The Las Vegas Badger is about politics, humor, sports, reality shows in Las Vegas, especially Pawn Stars and anything else interesting. While I live in Las Vegas, my heart is still in Wisconsin.
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Just like the postman, neither sleet or snow, nor rain, nor heat or cold will the killings and shootings in ObamaVille/Chicago ever stop.
From the Chicago Sun Times: Six people were killed and at least 22 others, including a 13-year-old boy, have been wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday afternoon, according to police.
The most recent fatal shootings occurred happened within minutes and blocks of each other Sunday evening in the South Austin neighborhood on the West Side, police said. About 7:10 p.m., shots rang out in the 4900 block of West Lake and responding officers found a 53-year-old man on the street with gunshot wounds to the back, police said. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital where he later died, said police, who added that the shooting may have been gang-related. At 7:13 p.m., a 27-year-old man was on a sidewalk in the 100 block of North Cicero when several people walked up to him and opened fire, police said. The victim–who has documented gang ties–was taken to Stroger Hospital, where he later died, according to police. The Cook County medical examiner’s office could not immediately confirm either of those fatalities. Earlier Sunday afternoon, a 25-year-old man was shot dead in the Chatham neighborhood on the South Side. Meanwhile, there have been no protests or riots becayuse of the killings and shootings. And President Obama, the one person who could actually do something about the killings and shootings by speaking up, just stays quiet as the killings and shooting numbers pile up. Why does Obama hate Chicago and the mostly poor people who are being victimized.
The Californization of Nevada continues as RINO Republicans just passed a huge tax increase, which will guarantee to slow down Nevada's economy even more.
From the LVRJ: The Nevada Assembly late Sunday approved Gov. Brian Sandoval’s $1.1 billion package of new and extended taxes, embracing the popular Republican governor’s ambitious education agenda and determination to position Nevada’s workforce for a high-tech economy. On a 30-10 vote, the Assembly amended Senate Bill 483, the so-called “sunset bill” that also adds a $1-per-pack increase in cigarette taxes, with provisions of Assembly Bill 464, Sandoval’s latest tax compromise that includes a business gross receipts “commerce tax” imposed on revenue of $4 million or more. Sandoval, who lobbied hard for his tax plan, praised the Assembly’s action.... Debate in the Assembly was passionate on both sides of the issue. A vocal group of anti-tax Republicans urged their colleagues to delay the vote or defeat it, arguing that supporting the tax hike would go against the will of voters. Opponents called the tax plan a margins tax in disguise and reminded the body that voters overwhelming rejected a gross receipts tax in November. “The voters voted no back in November to the margins tax,” said Assemblywoman Shelly Shelton, R-Las Vegas. “The people of Nevada do not want this and I implore my colleagues to vote no.”
The voters, just a few years ago rejected both a Clark County School District and a State wide referendums overwhelming when they were asked to raise taxes, so of course, the RINO Sandoval and RINO legislators apparently thought that this would be a good idea then to raise the taxes themselves. morons.
Gov. Sandoval, who has been a huge, huge disappointment, shows that he is not qualified to be even thinking of running for a different office in 2016, like senator or heaven forbid, a vice presidential candidate.
As far as the RINO GOP legislators, many of them will face a primary challenge from the conservative wing.
But these RINO's just ought to admit they are just moderate Democrats instead of Republicans.
Strange in Chicago.
From the Chicago Sun Times: Rodolfo “Rudy” Avina was a mainstay in the artsy Pilsen neighborhood.
A framer by trade, the 43-year-old’s craftsmanship can be found throughout the National Museum of Mexican Art in the Near West Side neighborhood.
Avina, a father of three who married into the family that owns the famed Nuevo Leon restaurant on 18th Street, was killed early Saturday at a neighborhood bar where he was a regular. He was sitting at the bar at Simone’s, a popular spot in the 900 block of West 18th Street, when someone walked up behind him and slit his throat, a relative said authorities told him. Avina, who lived blocks way, was dead at the scene. Someone was taken into custody after the stabbing, and criminal charges are expected to be filed, according to Chicago Police Department spokeswoman Jennifer Rottner, who said Saturday night the attack “was unprovoked” and that Avina was “an innocent victim.”... Avina had been friends with James Foley, the American journalist who was captured and killed by the Islamic State, Avina’s friends said. He helped organize a Pilsen mural for his slain friend, Solis said.
Maybe it is just coincidence that both avina and Foley both had their throat slit.
It will be interesting to see what the motive was and who was behind this murder.
From the LVRJ: Chumlee and I were catching up at an outdoor cafe on Friday when he told me he lost his $3,000 diamond-teeth upper grill. Have you seen it? It’s gotta be around here somewhere. A diamond-teeth grill is a denture-esque slip on, similar to partials. The “Pawn Stars” star still has his lower grill, encrusted in real diamonds. He popped it out of his mouth to show me the bling. Some time ago, his uninsured upper grill went missing. “I lost a diamond earring in a cab before, too. You live and you learn,” he said. I asked him why he doesn’t wear cubic zirconia grills, because I’m a cheapskate journalist. “Nah. Can’t fake the funk,” he said. Chumlee just returned to Las Vegas from four months of vacations in Hawaii, Los Angeles and Newport Beach. On Monday, “Pawn Stars” begins shooting 60 episodes. Yes, 60.
Chumlee seems like the kind of person who enjoys spending tons of money and has little discipline.
And it would not surprise me if the guy is broke within a few years after Pawn Stars goes off the air.
But at least he is enjoying his time now.
From Fox News DC: A local reporter was shot and killed Wednesday night in the District. Charnice Milton, 27, was found suffering from a gunshot wound in the 2700 block of Good Hope Road in Southeast around 9:40 p.m. She was taken to the hospital where she died. Milton worked just across the street for Capital Community News since 2012. The Southeast resident covered community issues. According to the newspaper, Milton was a graduate of Ball State and earned a Master's from Syracuse. She was described as a talented reporter with an "engaging manner that endeared her to her sources." Milton was not the shooter's intended target, D.C. police said. She was an accomplished young woman and was well respected by her peers in her role as a reporter. She was also a beloved daughter. Her family is asking for those responsible to do the right thing and turn themselves in. “What we do know is that out of cowardice, a young man grabbed my daughter and put [her] between the bullet and his life,” said Ken McClenton, the victim's father. It is a horrific detail for any parent to cope with in the death of their child. McClenton and Milton's mother, Francine, are devastated about the loss of their beautiful daughter. “We miss our daughter,” said Francine. “We hurt that she is no longer with us it. But we also know that she is at a peaceful place.”
So, will the racist Obama speak out about this young lady's death?
Will the fools, tools and racist blacks march and riot for this lady and the death she suffered, probably by a black thug?
I'm not holding my breath for these things to happen, are you?
From the Reno Gazette Journal: A 74-year-old retired schoolteacher was found innocent on murder charges after shooting two trespassers and killing one when he found them in his abandoned duplex in Sparks. The jury began deliberations Friday after hearing closing arguments in Burgarello's murder trial. Burgarello claimed self-defense under "stand your ground" laws in when he killed Cody Devine, 34, and seriously wounded Janai Wilson, 30, in early February last year inside his duplex on 1032 H Street. He was accused of open murder and attempted murder with a deadly weapon, and maintained he was acting in self-defense. Wayne Burgarello, of Sparks, was found not guilty on murder and attempted murder with a deadly weapon after killing Cody Devine, 34, and injuring Janai Wilson, 30. Marcella Corona/RGJ Burgarello's attorney, Theresa Ristenpart, said she was not surprised. "We'd like to say thank you to the jury for finally seeing what this case was about, which was justified defense," Ristenpart said Friday night. "And we would like to thank everyone and the community support that occurred here. "After looking through all of our case facts and going through our own investigation, we know that this was justified homicide, and he found himself in a threatening situation," she said. "He did what he had to do to protect his own life, and he reasonably believed he needed to do that."... Wilson had testified she was staying at Burgarello's duplex off and on for several years. She said Burgarello began firing without provocation while she and Devine were sleeping on bedding laid out on the floor. Neither trespasser had a gun, but Burgarello told police he saw an arm raise with an object in hand he believed to be a gun. Investigators testified they later found a black flashlight underneath Devine's body, but did not know if he was holding it when he was shot. "You have to realize that at that angle, I only saw the barrel of the thing," Burgarello had told police. "I was shooting at the person who I thought was going to harm me." Burgarello did not take the stand, but the court saw an interview video with police. Ristenpart said her client had a right to check his properties while armed. "Before he even entered the door, Alvin Lilla, a retired firefighter, said Burgarello shouted a third time," Ristenpart said. "'I'm the homeowner. Is there anyone in here? If there's anyone in here, you need to come out.'" Ristenpart said Burgarello's neighbors were all victims of transients, vandals and burglars. She reminded the jury of a defense witness, John Langdon, who lives next door to Burgarello's vacant properties. Langdon had previously testified that in past years, he checked one of his rental properties and found a homeless man inside who pulled a knife on him. Since then, he carries his pistol when he collects rent, does yard work or checks his properties.
The two people who got shot are the ones to be blamed for their being shot and killed and also wounded.
The two thugs had no reason to be in the guy's property, even if the house was unoccupied.
This country has to realize that bad people do bad things and when they do bad things, like running from the cops or breaking into people's home or property.
Chances are, if people stop running from the cops break into other people's property, the chances of them living through an encounter with the cops or property owner increase almost by 100%.
One way to beat back the union thug taxi drivers and the taxi cartel owners of Clark County.
From the LVRJ: Gov. Brian Sandoval late Friday signed legislation authorizing ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft to operate in Nevada. Sandoval signed Assembly Bills 175 and 176, which set up a regulatory framework for transportation network companies that connect passengers with drivers through smartphone apps, and puts the companies under the authority of the Nevada Transportation Authority. Uber briefly operated in Nevada last fall until a state judge issued an injunction requested by the state. Nevada lawmakers in a marathon session that lasted into the wee hours last weekend approved the measures to allow the companies to operate in Nevada after several earlier attempts failed to pass legislative muster. The legislation also imposes a 3 percent excises tax on fares, including on taxis and limousines, expected to raise tens of millions of dollars. That revenue is being eyed by lawmakers to fund a new medical school at UNLV, as well as put money into a depleted state highway fund for road projects. Supporters of the bill estimate the tax will generate about $70 million over the upcoming biennium. “Tens of thousands of Nevadans demanded the return of Uber to the Silver State — and their collective voices were heard loud and clear,” said Uber General Manager Steve Thompson in a prepared statement. “Thanks to Governor Sandoval and the bipartisan support of the Nevada Legislature, riders and drivers can soon get back on the road, with greater access to transportation choices and flexible income opportunities.”
The only people to blame for Uber and Lyft are the taxi companies and the taxi drivers.
The companies are to blame because they refused to allow any kind of competition, which in turn provided horrible taxi service, especially off the strip and Downtown.
And the taxi drivers are to blame for ripping off riders by doing long hauls, jacking up the prices and being rude and at times, dangerous.
Like the time a taxi driver tailgated me on the I-215 by Flamingo, then passed me at around 90-95mph, then crossed 2 lanes to take an exit just last week.
So, while I am not a big fan of Sandoval, he did god by signing this bill.
From Fox News: A U.S. Army soldier from the Louisiana National Guard who was killed in a helicopter crash with 10 others off the coast of Florida has been denied burial at Arlington National Cemetery because he was not on active duty at the time of his death. A spokesman for the Louisiana National Guard confirmed Friday to Fox News that Staff Sgt. Thomas Florich, 26, of Baton Rouge, La. had been turned away from Arlington. A Pentagon source told Fox it was “due to his duty status at the time of the crash.” A U.S. Army spokeswoman said in a statement that while Florich is eligible to receive military honors and inurnment, "he does not meet the requirements for burial in Arlington National Cemetery." Florich was the flight mechanic aboard the Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter when it crashed March 11 in the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida panhandle about 50 miles east of Pensacola. The area was under a fog advisory at the time. “We filed an exception of policy to have Staff Sgt. Florich buried at Arlington according to the family’s wishes,” Col. Pete Schneider, spokesman for the Louisiana National Guard, told Fox News. “We are appealing the denial. We are disappointed that the exception to policy was not approved.”
It's too bad that Staff Sgt Florich is not allowed in Arlington but a horrible person like Ted Kennedy was allowed to be planted there.
From CNS News: Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent. In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent. In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent. During President Eisenhower’s eight years, it averaged 3.2 percent. During Kennedy’s three years, it averaged 4.9 percent. During Johnson’s five years, it averaged 8.3 percent. During Nixon’s six years, it averaged 5.3 percent. During Ford’s two years, it averaged 2.3 percent. During Carter’s four years, it average 2.4 percent. During Reagan’s eight years, it average 2.1 percent. During George H.W. Bush’s four years, it average 2.9 percent. During Clinton’s eight years, it averaged 2.6 percent. And during George W. Bush’s eight years, it averaged 1.7 percent. When GDP declined at -1.5 percent in the first quarter of 2011—which was after the recession and two full years into Obama’s presidency—some blamed it at least partly on the weather. “Some of the slowdown in growth was linked to bad weather in early 2011 and an 11.7 percent decline in defense spending,” said a Reuters story of May 27, 2011. When real GDP declined at a rate of -2.1 percent in the first quarter of 2014, a May 30, 2014 New York Times story said: “Most economists on Wall Street and at the Federal Reserve blame a very cold winter for much of the slowdown.” When real GDP declined at a rate of -0.7 percent in the first quarter of this year, the top paragraph of an Associated Press story said: “The U.S. economy shrank at a 0.7 percent annual rate in the first three months of the year, depressed by a severe winter and a widening trade deficit.”
Apparently, hard winters have only been around since Obama took office and severe winters never happened previously. Why do such bad things happen to this poor slob.
But to put the Obama economy/legacy in perspective, this from the Kingman Daily Miner: A year ago, Arizona was at 6.9 percent unemployment and the nation was at 6.2 percent. Arizona added 2,200 nonfarm jobs in the month of April, significantly lower than the post-recession (2005-2014) average of 8,100 jobs, according to the report. The majority of the gains were from government (1,900 jobs), with federal employment having the strongest gains (1,400 jobs). The private sector added just 300 jobs during the month. Seven of the 11 major employment sectors showed gains. The largest number of jobs (4,200) was lost in trade, transportation and utilities. Losses of this magnitude in trade, transportation and utilities haven't been seen since April 2009.
If it weren't for the Federal government hiring 1400 workers in Arizona, which seems to be an awfully high number, the number of job gains in Arizona would have be in the negative numbers.
And so, is the country better off with the Obama economy?.
Hell no.
From the LA Times: Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforce. The push to include an exception to the mandated wage increase for companies that let their employees collectively bargain was the latest unexpected detour as the city nears approval of its landmark legislation to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. For much of the past eight months, labor activists have argued against special considerations for business owners, such as restaurateurs, who said they would have trouble complying with the mandated pay increase.... Gonzalez said the change sought by labor officials could pressure companies into letting employees unionize as a way to seek relief from the mandated wage hike. "Once again, the soaring rhetoric of helping the working poor is just a cover for city government acting as a tool of organized labor," he said.
So, if you are non-union, unions expect you to pay the $15 an hour but if you are a union member, too bad, too sad.The union thugs don't look after their members, all they want is their union dues.
From the Blaze:
Police in a small Louisiana city arrested a “homeless” man asking for money from strangers after he allegedly urinated in public — and what they found in his pockets resulted in them using his story to spread awareness.
“Transients, also known as beggars or homeless, are often a hot topic of debate for Slidell residents. There are people who feel these individuals all need to be arrested. Some feel they should offered help. Some feel we should just leave them alone,” the Slidell Police Department wrote on Facebook May 22.
“Literally, everyday, someone either calls Slidell Police or sends us a message on Facebook asking us to do something about this ‘problem.’ Some people feel sorry for these individuals, other don’t. Granted, some have legitimate issues, and we do everything we can to offer them help, but those are far and few between,” the department continued.
And the money these guys get:
The amount of money many bums bring can be staggering. Some bums in Vegas make upwards of $25 an hour, which is more than I make.
So, I don't give any money to the bums who hang out on the roads, trying to make me part with my money.
From the LVRJ: The key to freedom is sometimes hidden. Las Vegas police arrested California fugitive Nicholas Boland twice last week. The 30-year-old man was wanted in connection with a kidnapping case by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department. But in Las Vegas, you could call it the case of the hidden key. Metro detectives caught up to Boland about 5:30 p.m. May 20 in a residential neighborhood south of the intersection of Arville Street and Sahara Avenue. The pair of officers cuffed Boland, according to his arrest report, but he had a complaint: The handcuffs were too tight. One of the detectives loosened the cuffs, the arrest report said, then slapped on a second pair before putting him in the front seat of his duty vehicle. During the drive to Clark County Detention Center, the report said, the detective noticed Boland fidgeting in his seat. Boland then reached down and unlatched his seat belt. The detective slammed the car into park. He reached for Boland’s arms and grabbed the chain connecting the handcuffs, only to watch the cuffs slip off Boland’s wrists, the report said. Boland opened the door and took off down Charleston Boulevard. And like that, he disappeared. But only briefly. About 7:15 p.m., a caller reported someone suspicious at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Dental School at 1001 Shadow Lane, near Charleston. The description matched that of Boland, according to the report. Detectives arrived at the school soon after and went to the roof, the report said. Looking through a skylight, they spotted Boland inside, hiding in a hole near the ceiling. Realizing he was caught, the report said, Boland came down and was arrested again. Boland said he was having trouble breathing, and it appeared that he had urinated in his pants, according to the report. A Las Vegas Fire Department medic checked Boland out and said he didn’t need hospital care. This time police cuffed his hands and tied his feet together, the report said. Officers put Boland in the back of a regular Metro patrol vehicle and took him to jail. During the short ride downtown, the report said, Boland told detectives how he unlocked the handcuffs. Sort of. First, police said, he told them he found the key on the seat of the detective’s car. Then he changed his story. Boland, a detective said in the report, told police he keeps a key in his rectum. That day, the report said, he used it to set himself free. “In retrospect, it appears to me that Boland intended to attempt to escape if the opportunity presented itself,” the detective wrote.
Who plans on being arrested and keeps a handcuff key in their ass?
Does he have a key hook up there?
From The NY Times: Swiss authorities conducted an extraordinary early-morning operation here Wednesday to arrest several top soccer officials and extradite them to the United States on federal corruption charges.
As leaders of FIFA, soccer’s global governing body, gathered for their annual meeting, more than a dozen plain-clothed Swiss law enforcement officials arrived unannounced at the Baur au Lac hotel, an elegant five-star property with views of the Alps and Lake Zurich. They went to the front desk to get keys and proceeded upstairs to the rooms.
The arrests were carried out peacefully, with at least two men being ushered out of the hotel without handcuffs. One FIFA official, Eduardo Li of Costa Rica, was led by the authorities from his room to a side-door exit of the hotel. He was allowed to bring his luggage, which was adorned with FIFA logos.
The charges allege widespread corruption in FIFA over the past two decades, involving bids for World Cups as well as marketing and broadcast deals, according to three law enforcement officials with direct knowledge of the case. The charges include wire fraud, racketeering and money laundering, and officials said they targeted members of FIFA’s powerful executive committee, which wields enormous power and does its business largely in secret.
FIFa is corrupt but I just wonder if these charges will stick as their offices are not in the US and quite frankly, most people in the U.S. couldn't care less about soccer.
And why hasn't other countries stepped forward?
Yes, it will be hard to prove, but if they can, then it might help get the corruption out of soccer.
(Mohave County Courthouse)
Mohave county, AZ. is Arizona's most conservative county, which makes it one of the most conservative county in the country.
But Mohave County is also home to big government services.
For example, We have a Public Defender, Legal Defender and Indigent Defense Services, all of which deal with poor criminal clients. Now, that's not say I want the poor to receive no legal services if they are accused of a crime (well, actually I don't, but constitutionally, not much I can do).
With few exceptions, all the Fire Departments in Mohave County have full time or at least some full time firefighters, when in most cases, volunteer fire departments would be sufficient. Volunteers could mostly staff Golden Valley, Pinion Pines, Northern Arizona, Dolan Spring and surrounding areas(LakeMohave Ranchos Fire District ), Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department, Golden Shores and the Yucca Fire department, which has less than a thousand people living in and around their district has less than 200 calls a year. There is no need for a full time fire dept. there.
The City of Kingman just passed a law outlawing smoking in a car when kids are present. So much for personal responsibility and puts the government inside our cars. This law is the first in Arizona and is a law liberals love.
Conservatives love law enforcement but pay their police officers horribly along with firefighters, teachers and many other public service employees. Some agencies pay their employees so little that these employees have had to go on food stamps and/or other government welfare. These employees should not huge amounts of money but they shouldn't have to receive government welfare either.
The Golden Valley Fire dept. is trying to kick out the private ambulance service, RiverView, which is run out of the local Kingman hospital because the fire department wants to steal the revenue from the ambulance company. The fire dept. also laughably says that they won't have to hire additional firefighters to staff the ambulances and that their budget will barely increase. Smaller government? Not in Golden Valley.
The County, which has an old but solid courthouse is going to be building a brand new courthouse for about $20,000,000 instead of refurbishing the old courthouse for about half the cost.
So, these are just some of the things that makes you wonder just how conservative Mohave County is, when it is one of the most conservative counties in the country.
To me, Memorial Day is a day to remember all those that who have died, including family.
But thank you to those who have served and helped those who have served:
Thank you to the military.
To Police officers
Emergency Medical Technicians, paramedics and all those who are medical first responders.
Teachers who help teach those who serve
Doctors and nurses who treat all those who serve and help all those people who need their services.
Rich people who help pay for those have served and provide jobs to the military after they leave the service.
Those who don't make much but still pay taxes to help those who serve.
The parents of those who have served along with their brothers and sisters.
The ministers who pastor to those who serve.
The grocery store and other stores that serve those who serve.
he list can go on and on.
So, thank you for all those who serve in the military and to those who have supported them throughout the years.
From the Kingman Daily Miner: 2015 will be remembered as the year Kingman failed to celebrate Independence Day - unless a college student with lifelong ties to the city can pull off a miracle.... Walsh, however, has been working with the city, the motorsports park and Acme Fireworks, which said it could put on the show on short notice.
Memorial Day begins the unofficial start of school and for me, it starts, once again, the great debate:
For the BBQ?
Me, I choose charcoal. Yes, the charcoal probably will give me cancer and usually burns my food.
But to me, charcoal tastes the best.
And those who use propane? Why?
It's the same as cooking on the stove except you are cooking outside instead of outside.
So, what say you?
Propane or Charcoal?
From Eighth grade math teacher Stephanie Bush says she knew last fall, just weeks into the school year, that things could get dicey under a new discipline code for Madison’s public schools. “Usually the first quarter is a honeymoon period when students are excited to be in school and behaviors are good. So when things were already deteriorating rapidly, it was a sign to me that this was not going in a good direction,” said Bush, 50, who has taught at Jefferson Middle School on Madison’s west side her whole career. It wasn’t a specific incident, but the piling on of several serious incidents so early in the school year that troubled her. “I’m seeing behaviors on a regular basis that I haven’t seen in 20 years of teaching,” Bush said. Some of this alarming conduct included students swearing at teachers, kicking trash cans, walking out of class, and kids wandering the hallways and in and out of classrooms, she said. The behavior policy, implemented at the start of this school year, requires teachers to ask for outside help if they can’t control a misbehaving student. But Bush says such calls for help often go unanswered by overwhelmed support staff, who are supposed to walk an out-of-control student out of the classroom and “intervene” to get a sense of the causes of the misbehavior. “We call and no one comes," she said. "Teachers have stopped calling.”
Read more:
This year, I taught at an elementary school for the first time in my 19 year teaching career.
To say I was shocked at the behaviors I saw at our school would be an extreme understatement.
I worked with 4th ad 5th grade students. I saw some of the most horrible behaving kids, kids so bad that I will be seeing their names in the newspaper in about 8 years in the felony news section of the newspaper.
These bad students were completely disrespectful to the adult staff, ranging from aides, to teachers and principals. They didn't care because there was little consequences at school and fewer consequences at home.
There were some good kids, of course, but the majority of kids were just bad and throughout the entire school year. Some kids started good and ended bad, others were just plain bad. And it wasn't race, the vast of majority of the kids are white.
Now, may of the kids had bad parents. When the parents came to pick up the kids, it looked like half the parents were drug users, though that may not be fair, it may actually be 3/4 of them. And for the other 1/4th, the grandparents or others were guardians.
I talked to numerous teachers at the school I was at and so many have said that this was the worst year they have ever had and this also goes to teachers at other schools I talked with.
So, I feel this teachers pain. It's frustrating when the kids act bad and there is no support from the administration or the district office.
Man, I fear for the future.
From the Chicago Sun Times: A 4-year-old South Side girl whose mother was about to move her family to Minneapolis to escape the violence in Chicago was “doing fine” a day after being shot in the head in a drive-by shooting outside a prom party Friday night in West Englewood, her grandfather said Saturday night. “She wakes up, and … she knows who’s in the room,” said Marvin Gresham, little Jacele Johnson’s grandfather. “She looks at you, and she moves. “We’re being told that she’s stable and her vitals are looking really good,” he said. “We’re just hoping for her to be all right.” Jacele had no swelling in the brain, according to her aunt, Marcella Gresham — a good sign, but she remained at the University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital, where she underwent surgery.
The fools and tools who protest cops who kill blacks, even when justified, will not say anything about innocent kids who are shot by fellow black thugs.
What a bunch of idiots, especially the big dummy in the White House.
Ireland has decided to become the first country to vote for gay marriage.
From the NY Daily News: Irish voters backed a constitutional amendment legalizing gay marriage — the world’s first national vote on the issue — by an almost 2-to-1 margin, officials declared Saturday. The historically conservative Catholic country voted 62.1% in favor of the amendment. The final tally was 1.2 million for the measure and about 700,000 opposing it. “We’re the first country in the world to enshrine marriage equality in our constitution and do so by popular mandate,” said Leo Varadkar, a cabinet minister who came out as gay at the beginning of the effort to amend the country’s constitution.
I would not have voted for the amendment based on my personal views but I prefer a country or state vote for gay marriage rather than a bunch old judges who make the decision.
So, if Ireland votes for gay marriage, I have no real problems with it.
And I will still enjoy my Irish music.
Once again, more evidence that if you run from the cops, especially for 20 miles, the chances of you dying increase significantly.
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer: A judge ruled Saturday morning that Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo is not guilty of two charges of voluntary manslaughter in connection with the Nov. 29, 2012 police chase and shooting that ended in the deaths of two people. Cuyahoga Common Pleas Judge John P. O'Donnell said that while Brelo did fire lethal shots at Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams, other officers did as well. O'Donnell also concluded that Brelo was not guilty of the lesser included offense of felonious assault because he was legally justified in his use of deadly force. Brelo, 31, was one of more than 100 police officers to participate in a 22-minute police chase, and one of 13 who shot at a 1979 Chevy Malibu. The shooting ended in the deaths of the driver, Russell and the passenger, Williams. But defense attorneys said Brelo had reason to fear for his life, and was justified in his use of deadly force because he and other officers believed that Russell and Williams had a gun and had fired shots. They also argued that if the 12 other police officers who fired shots were justified in their use of force, so was Brelo.
And of course, the attention seeking whores will protest for the TV stations and other media and some may even riot.
But once again if you don't run from the cops, 99.999% of the time or more, you are going to live through the ordeal.
Update: Unlike the media and all the tools and fools, I read the judges decision.
If you read the media, this two innocent souls were just minding their business when the cops opened fired on them.
Umm, nope, that's not what happened.
The thugs were stopped by a cop for an illegal turn and for possible drug transactions but he was going to let them go but before he did, they drove off from him. The cop never reported this.
Then these thugs drove past the police building at a high rate of speed (which shows that these thugs were not very bright who speeds right by the main police station in town?) and sound like a gun shot rang out, though it possibly turned out to be a backfire of the engine.
Then the thugs decided to flee from the cops who were chasing them, for 22 minutes. They drove recklessly, including driving down the sidewalk by a busy pizza shop at around 10:30 at night.
The thugs then ended up by a school and drove into a parking lot and onto a field. They tried to run 1 cop over, hit another cop car and was driving towards officer Brelo. Several cops had already fired their weapons at the car and the thugs still refused to stop.
Finally the car came to a stop and there was still movement in the car and the cops finally took these thugs out of the gene pool forever.
So, these "innocent" thugs were already given 1 chance by the cop who let them go, they speeded past a police station with a defective car and then drove recklessly and without care through the streets of Cleveland of other cities before they tried to run over the cops, who had a legitimate fear for their lives.
It was not the cops fault the thugs are dead, it is 100% the fault of the thugs- they caused their own death.
To read the judge's decision, here is the link:
From Common Sense Evaluation: Barack Hussein Obama, Hilary Clinton, the Pope and a boy scout are on a plane. The plane is about to crash when they realize there are only 3 parachutes. The first passenger, President Obama said “I am the president of the United States, as much as it will haunt me for the rest of my life, I must insist I take a parachute. I have a great responsibility, being the leader of nearly 300 million people and the strongest military in the world.” The others agree and the president grabs a bag and jumps out. The second passenger, Hillary Clinton, said “I am the future first female President of the United States, and I am the smartest woman in the world. I will be everything Obama was not and in that manner set a new path for all women in this world. I demand that I take one of the parachutes.” The boy scout hands her a bag and she jumps out. The third passenger, the Pope, says to the fourth passenger, a 10-year old boy scout “I am old and frail and I don’t have many years left, so as a Christian gesture and good deed, I will sacrifice my life and let you take the last parachute.” The boy scout said “It’s okay!” “No, my dear boy. I must insist. I made my peace with God many, many years ago,” explains the Pope. “Dying will be like going home for me.” “No, really it’s okay,” says the boy. “My son, how can you be so fearless in the face of death? You are but a young boy,” asks the Pope. The boy scout holds up two bags. “There’s two parachutes left. I gave that annoying bitch my backpack.” - See more at:
From Fox News: In the long-running campaign by Republican-led states to rein in food stamp abuses and curb the now-$74 billion program, lawmakers are trying a new approach: Restricting what foods can and can't be on a family's grocery list. The move is controversial, with critics accusing GOP lawmakers of playing food police to further burden people already struggling.
But proponents say the idea is not to punish people -- but promote healthy lifestyles by curbing the junk food they're buying with the government's help.
“It’s not meant to shame anyone or be punitive," Wisconsin state Rep. Robert Brooks said. Brooks is pushing a bill -- which last week cleared the state Assembly -- limiting what foods could be purchased under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It's the latest effort by lawmakers to put together an approved menu for food stamp users, following a bill in Missouri to restrict benefits from being used for energy drinks, seafood, steak and other items. The catch is any state would need a federal waiver to make these kinds of changes to the federal program, and the odds of that being granted seem slim.
Women Infant and Children (WIC) restrict the type and amount of food for those who are on it,
Michelle Obama and the liberals demand that school children demand to fed a certain way if the school districts want to be reimbursed for feeding poor children.
So, why not demand that those on food stamps be forced to only buy certain items and not be allowed to buy other items.
After all, don't we want those on food stamps be healthy, just like those on WIC and in the Federal school lunch program?
From the Washington Post: President Obama warned Wednesday that climate change is a growing and "serious threat" to national security, tying severe weather to the rise of the extremist group Boko Haram in Nigeria and the civil war in Syria. In his latest bid to turn up political pressure on Republicans over the environment, Obama challenged 218 newly commissioned officers at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy to take the threats of climate as seriously as they would a cutter in peril on the seas. In his remarks here, Obama tied droughts and crop damage from severe weather to the rise of Boko Haram, which has terrorized civilians in Nigeria, and to the bloody civil war in Syria. He cast controlling climate change as a "key pillar of American global leadership" and called it "a core element of our diplomacy."
As Mark Levin points out, that the Nazi's in Germany and Japan and their brutal actions in WWII was due to climate change.
And I might add, North Korea and their brutal regime can blame their actions on Climate change.
And how about other atrocities, like in WWI, most wars, along with war criminals Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Stalin and other thug world terror leaders, did they commit their crimes against because of climate change?
Apparently Obama shows how stupid he is when doesn't blame muslim extremism or sharia law or radical mulsim leaders or country leaders who constantly violate the rights of their citizens.
I never thought Obama was the smartest person in the room, despite the belief he thinks he is, now I think there is also some mental retardation within that idiot's brain.
From the Omaha News World: An Omaha police officer and a suspect involved in a shootout Wednesday have died. Kerrie Orozco, 29, a gang unit officer, was serving a warrant on the Metro Area Fugitive Task Force when she was shot.
Orozco is the 25th officer – and first female – in the department killed in the line of duty. Orozco had been taken to Creighton University Medical Center in extremely critical condition after being shot about 1 p.m. near Read Street and Martin Avenue.
Omaha police had responded to a “Help an officer” call at 30th Street and Martin Avenue.
Officers were serving a felony arrest warrant about 12:55 p.m., said Deputy Police Chief Dave Baker. During the process of serving the warrant, shots were fired, he said.
Orozco and the suspect, Marcus D. Wheeler, 26, were taken to the Creighton hospital in extremely critical condition, with CPR in progress.
"In spite of our most valiant efforts and aggressive care," Orozco and Wheeler were unable to be resuscitated, said trauma surgeon Dr. Michel Wagner.
At a press conference at the hospital, Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer said, "This is a somber day for the city of Omaha, Omaha police officers especially, and the entire law enforcement community." He said Orozco was a seven-year veteran of the department and had worked in the gang unit since March 2012.
So, you have a black thug who shoots a white female officer.
Will racist Obama send anyone from the White House to this police officers funeral, like he has done for Black thugs?
Will he blame the thug and black culture just like Obama blames the police and police culture?
Will these fools, tools, racist and rioters say a prayer for the cop or maybe even hold a rally to support her family?
I'm not holding my breath.
From Fire Rescue 1: A Houston man has been charged with intoxication manslaughter and failure to stop and render aid following a collision on U.S. 59 that killed a Splendora firefighter and his wife as well as injured their two young daughters. Alejandro Guzman-Lopez, 23, a laborer living in Houston, was held without bail Monday on these charges because he's not a legal resident and could flee, Montgomery County prosecutor Tyler Dunman said. The charges followed the death Sunday night of firefighter Brad Frazier, and his wife, Shea, both 21 of Splendora. The couple's two daughters, a 2-year-old and 5-week-old infant, were treated for their injuries at a Houston hospital and then released to relatives.... Guzman-Lopez, who received only minor injuries, fled from his wrecked vehicle after it also came to a stop. However, another motorist who had stopped to help ran after him, tackling him about 200 yards from the scene of the wreck. "This good Samaritan held the suspect until investigators arrived to take him into custody," Dunman said.
First the illegal alien is not a Houston man- he is from an unknown country where he is a resident of.
2nd, Obama and liberals say that these illegals are only hard working innocent people and yet there is case after case of illegals committing crimes (besides the obvious of being here illegally) and often violent crime.
And yet, apparently, the death of the firefighter and his wife must be an acceptable risk to the Obamas of the United States because after all, they don't go after these illegals.
Last Friday, I was leaving Las Vegas around 9:00 at night when I pulled into a Rebel gas station in Boulder City, just outside of Las Vegas.
In came ina bus, kind of like a tourist bus that we all see in Vegas, but this one was different.
The bus writing was all in Spanish and it had a Mexican license plate on it. Out popped out about 40 Hispanic men, ranging in age from about early 20's to may late 40's. None spoke English and there were no females outside. Out of the 40 or so, maybe 3 actually spent money at the gas station, while the rest either went to the rest room our just waited outside.
Ok, I thought, strange but there may have been some kind of explanation:
45 Hispanic males on a tourist bus.
Huge bachelor party.
A bunch of gay Hispanic men leaving Las Vegas after some fun.
But I talked to a woman in Kingman, who saw the same thing at a Kingman gas station, which was on Hwy 93, the road heading north to Las Vegas.
This time 2 Mexican buses stopped at the gas station and about 80 or so male Hispanic males piled off and either went to the bathroom or made eyes, ogling my woman friend.
Apparently, these Mexican buses don't have bathrooms.
But this is something I have not seen previously or anybody I have talked to.
So, why are these Mexican buses bringing scores of Hispanic males to the Las Vegas area? Where are these men staying? Are they getting a fair wage, assuming they are laborers? Who is employing them? are they paying taxes on their earnings? Do they have the necessary paperwork to even visit the United States, like a passport? Are they here on some kind of Obama plan?
I honestly don't know, but maybe some news reporter can find out what is going on. (And I know some read this blog)
From Jsonline:Three Wisconsin Supreme Court justices skipped ceremonies Monday to swear in recent Marquette University Law School graduates, amid a bitter dispute over who should be in charge of the state's high court.
It was the first time the court was to meet as a group since conservatives who control the court voted to make Patience Roggensack chief justice. Shirley Abrahamson, who had held the job for 19 years, has contended she remains chief justice and has sued over the issue in federal court in Madison.
U.S. District Judge James Peterson, who is hearing that case, declined to issue an order Friday allowing Abrahamson to serve as chief justice while she pursues her lawsuit, and signaled shewould have a difficult time ultimately winning.
Monday's ceremonies showed relationships on the court remain strained. Roggensack has said repairing the court's reputation is a top priority.
Apparently boycotting Monday's event were Abrahamson and Justices Ann Walsh Bradley and N. Patrick Crooks. Those are the three justices who did not vote for Roggensack as chief justice and contended the email vote putting her in place was improperly conducted.
Abrahamson and Bradley are the court's liberals. Crooks is a swing vote who has sharplycriticized Abrahamsonfor her lawsuit but also said thereshould be a transition planto transfer power to a new chief justice. Crooks had hoped to follow Abrahamson as chief justice.
Supporting Roggensack are her three fellow conservatives on the court — Justices Michael Gableman, David Prosser and Annette Ziegler.
So, these three liberals (Crooks is a liberal wanna be) didn't geet their way with Wisconsin voters or a Federal judge, so they are going to throw a temper tantrum cry wee wee wee all way to their liberal home.