Brian Greenspun makes a complete ass of himself in his latest advertisement for Harry Reid, err, editorial.
He starts out ok: "Today we should declare our independence — from the mediocrity of political thought.
In 1776, a group of brave and forward-thinking men gave to the world the Declaration of Independence. In it they proclaimed that there comes a time in the course of human events when it becomes necessary “for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.” Those were revolutionary words and their impact was fully known to that small group of colonists who understood the price that would be paid for the “separation.”"
But then Greenspun becomes unglued. Apparently to Greenspun, only the smart and informed voters would vote for Harry Reid while those of us who will vote for Sharron Angle are uninformed and a threat to democracy.
"If you will forgive me a current events example, please refer to the Sharron Angle interview on Jon Ralston’s “Face to Face” program last Tuesday. I know that those who like Sharron think she did great no matter what the facts are and, conversely, those who don’t like her think she did poorly. I think something very different.
I think the Republican Party’s candidate for the U.S. Senate from Nevada did a great disservice to our democracy because she epitomized the worst of a decades-long approach to politics that threatens the very foundation of our democracy."
To put it bluntly, Greenspun you are an idiot but you are more than an idiot. you are a condescending POS.
In concluding, Greenspun says this: "If we want to honor the men who declared our independence — and not dishonor ourselves — we should resolve to strive for excellence in what we do, intelligence in what we know and responsibility in what and how we think."
To say that Sharron Reid is a threat to the United States democracy is an insult to everyone in this country, especially, those of have fought in the military and have died protecting the very write for you, Greenspun, to write your editorials. You, sir are a disservice to this country, you slur people who have served and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
While I highly disagree with Harry Reid and his policies, I don't see him as a threat to our democracy, at least not yet. But anyone who dares to challenge Harry is a threat to the United States and it's democracy? Time to get committed to the insane asylum.
It's time, Mr. Greenspun to crawl back into your little cave and close the hole with the rock you were born under.
It also shows how desperate and pathetic the liberals are in this Senate race.
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