From Drudge tonight: "First lady Michelle Obama appears to have violated Illinois law -- when she engaged in political discussion at a polling place! The drama began after Mrs. Obama stopped off at the Martin Luther King Center on the south side of Chicago to cast an early vote.After finishing at the machine, Obama went back to the desk and handed in her voting key. She let voters including electrician Dennis Campbell, 56, take some photos. "She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband's agenda going," Campbell said. According to a pool reporter from the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES at the scene, the conversation took place INSIDE the voting center, not far from the booths. Illinois state law -- Sec. 17-29 (a) -- states: "No judge of election, pollwatcher, or other person shall, at any primary or election, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any polling place [or] within 100 feet of any polling place." A top Ilinois State Board of Elections official tells the DRUDGE REPORT that Mrs. Obama -- a Harvard-educated lawyer -- may have simply been ignorant of the law and thus violated it unintentionally."You kind of have to drop the standard for the first lady, right?" the official explained late Thursday. "I mean, she's pretty well liked and probably doesn't know what she's doing."
Election laws will be thrown aside in 2010. We will have scores of illegal voters, from felons, illegal aliens, to double voting to people voting in the place of other people. Voter fraud has been rampant in Minnesota, Wisconsin and other states. It will happen in Nevada and just about every other state. This is one reason the Democrats are not panicking yet. They know there will be voter fraud and it will help them, especially in close elections. Maybe in the Nevada U.S. Senate race.
Be forewarned, this will be the dirtiest election, until 2012. We may even take the place of Venezuela, as an election fraud liberal paradise in 2012.
Dan, I don't think there's been a confirmed widespread case of voter fraud for a long time. There have been suspected cases of election fraud--caging and the like--but cases of individuals double-voting, dead people voting, Mickey Mouse voting? Not really. There is voter REGISTRATION fraud, but no real evidence that they lead to any kind of statistical actual voting. To my knowledge, of course.
ReplyDeleteIf you have evidence to the contrary, I'd love to see it. For all the barking about ACORN, where are the teems of fake voters?
I do know in Wisconsin, there have been convictions for voter fraud. In Minnesota, they are turning up fraud in the Al Franken race- people voting when they are not supposed to.