As people know, I don't support Harry Reid and never will, but when any politician does something right, I will give them credit, no matter what party they are from or if I like them or not.
But Harry Reid did something right, supporting a father who had to bury his son while the Westboro Church, the vile and repugnant "church".
From Fox News: "Albert Snyder certainly didn't want anything do with that message in 2006 when he buried his Marine son who was killed in Iraq and was not gay.
"I want them to stop doing this to our military men and women," Synder said on Fox and Friends, Tuesday morning. "I want the judges to hear that this case is not about free speech, it's about targeted harassment."
In the days leading up to the funeral, Westboro parishioners, including Fred Phelps, notified local authorities of their intention to picket the service. They were kept 1,000 feet away from the church and because of the use of an alternative entrance for church-goers there was no disruption to the memorial. Seven protestors held numerous signs including some that read, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "God Hates Fags," and "You're Going to Hell." There were no arrests.
Snyder filed a lawsuit against Phelps based on the protest and a subsequent post on the Westboro website about his son Matthew."
Harry Reid put in a brief to the Supreme Court, siding with father in this case: A bipartisan group of senators including Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., joined in their own brief supporting Snyder. They argue that the church members are "free to convey their repugnant message in virtually any public manner they choose. But they were not free to hijack [Matthew Snyder's] private funeral as a vehicle for expression of their own hate."
Harry Reid is correct. Westboro Church wants their free speech, but they also violate other people's free speech as well. So, where do you draw the line? I'd side with the family burying their son as opposed to some spoiled brats from the alleged church, ant day.
I'm with you on this one, Dan.