From the Las Vegas Sun: Unemployed construction workers told a Senate committee on Wednesday they have had to donate blood and take low-paying temporary jobs to survive in this stagnant economy.
The loudest cheer in the committee hearing came during a call to hire Nevada workers on Nevada jobs.
Charlie Becerra, an unemployed carpenter, told senators they need to do something to get construction going again. “If you don’t do something, the next time you meet in this chamber, you may be sitting next to me,” he said.
“We have hit bottom. We need somebody to pull us out,” he said.
It was Building Jobs Coalition Day at the Nevada Legislature, and scores of workers appeared in Carson City to tell the Select Committee on Economic Growth and Employment the problems they face.
"We have rock bottom. We need somebody to pull us out". Isn't that one of the most pathetic things you have read in a long time?
How has your union help pull you out? Have they lowered their salary demands? Have they loosened union rules? Umm, no.
The Cranky Hermit just rips a the union thugs to bits in his piece today:
Over a hundred construction workers, part of a group known as the Building Jobs Coalition, descended on Carson City Wednesday to lobby the Legislature to increase your taxes in order to provide jobs for them. Not just any old jobs, either, but ones that would pay them 2-3 times what similar workers in the private sector are paid.It is important to understand exactly what they are talking about. While a typical non-union, private sector construction worker may currently be making between $15-20/hour, many of these workers would be receiving annual pay packages exceeding $100,000. They are asking that you reach into your pocket so that you can provide them with jobs that pay far in excess of what the typical Nevadan
The Mike at the Cranky Hermit does the unthinkable and shows how much these union guys make per year. That will put to end of the pity party for the local union jackals.
If the union trades people want jobs, then they have to face reality and admit they are going to have to change union wages and union rules, then maybe we can take them more seriously. They may even have to get out of the union.
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