For the second day in a row, another union goon has attacked a person with gay slurs.
From Michelle Malkin: At AFSCME’s “solidarity” rally in Providence, Rhode Island on Tuesday, a cameraman was accosted by a fuming pro-union protester. The cameraman had his back to the goon, who appears to accost him unprovoked. The goon screams:
“I’ll f**k you in the ass, you faggot!”
His shouting escalates and other union supporters try to intervene as he threatened the cameraman, but he continues to foam at the mouth.
The “solidarity” mob finally starts chanting “Hey, hey, ho, ho, union-busting’s got to go” to drown out the goon’s snit fit. He yells that he will “follow you out of here.”
Of course, if a conservative said this, the gay world would be outraged, there would be demands for an investigation and calls for the conservative to be charged with a hate crime.
But because he is a liberal, he is given a pass.
Who gave him a pass? If a random conservative protestor shouted this same thing, it wouldn't surprise me. A random liberal protestor? A little surprising. If it was a Sarah Palin or a Michael Moore, or somebody noteworthy, it would be newsworthy. This isn't so much. Large crowds of any kind of people are gonna have some douchebags and idiots. As long as nobody claims this guy or defends him, I'm not sure I see any point in focusing on this.