Day 4 with my tin foil hat on, I suppose, but I am not the only out there, who has questioned whether Bin Laden is meeting up with his 72 virgins or living in a local Motel 6 in Pakistan. I am just asking questions.
Well, today President Obama said that he didn't want to inflame the passions of Muslims and decided not to release the photo of Osama Bin Laden (and people question why I think Obama is a closet Muslim.)
Well, apparently running video of the people being killed on 9/11, people jumping to their deaths, watching the the World Trade center buildings crumble didn't inflame outrage us enough to shut down cameras.
Further, if Obama was so concerned with how the extremist Muslims reacted, why did he order the raid to begin with?
From CBS News: In an interview with Steve Kroft for this Sunday's "60 Minutes" conducted today, President Obama said he won't release post-mortem images of Osama bin Laden taken to prove his death.
"It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool," said the president.
"We don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Mr. Obama added. "The fact of the matter is, this is somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received."
Again, if this was a GOP president, and especially George Bush, the liberals would be outraged about the lack of transparency. They would be shouting to the heavens, where are the pictures, where is the proof this raid actually happened?
Then of course, you can stage photographs as Obama did. From
“As President Obama continued his nine-minute address in front of just one main network camera, the photographers were held outside the room by staff and asked to remain completely silent. Once Obama was off the air, we were escorted in front of that teleprompter and the President then re-enacted the walk-out and first 30 seconds of the statement for us.”
That means the photograph that appeared in many newspapers Monday morning of Obama speaking may have been the staged shot, captured after the president spoke. This type of staging has been going on for decades.
This is not a big deal, but it shows what lengths Obama will do to fool people. If you want to be credible, you need to be credible. Clearly, Obama is just not credible. Just like the left doesn't think Bush isn't credible.
Further, the White House needs to release the DNA tests to be looked at by scientists around the world to make sure it is authentic. Surely, they saved some of Bin Laden's blood- let an independent laboratory run the test and print out the results. This won't inflame the extremist/moderate Muslim flames, would it? But of course, Obama won't allow this and the liberals will back him on this as well. But again, if this was Bush, the lefties would be going insane and saying that Bush concocted the raid and the results to help his poll numbers and to cement his place in history. The left constantly did this when Bush was president and even after he left the White House.
This whole story could have been staged with very few people knowing the truth. It's not that hard to do, with today's electronics, computer software etc, so it is important to know if Obama is pulling the big lie on us or not.
Do I think Bin Laden is dead. Yes, with 95% certainty. However, that 5% is telling me this is a big hoax and no one is willing to call Obama on it, or that is what he is banking on.
However, I am just acting like liberals would have acted if this was George Bush. The left wouldn't give Bush a pass, so why should us conservatives give Obama the benefit of the doubt?
If they release a photo or video, it will be declared to be faked. If they release the DNA results, they will be said to be false. If they bring out a DNA specialist, someone will say they are "in on it." If the deathers follow the birthers' example, there is nothing that will satisfy them.
ReplyDeleteBe careful, Dan. Once you get sucked in, you may have a hard time getting out.
And be careful who you accuse of lying. The Navy SEALS' Seal Team 6 is lying?
Yeah, we gave Bush a lot of shit. He and his administration EARNED a lot of that disrespect. . .lying us into war, all sorts of crap. What has Obama done to earn your distrust, specifically?