President Obama constantly shows that he cares very little for the United States taxpayers. His ha this saying: What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine as well."
Today, we find out that Obama is spending about $100,000 on among other things, a teleprompter coach.
From the Washington Times: On top of the more than half a million dollars it spends on speechwriters, the White House is using tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a public relations firm headed by Democratic image maker Michael Sheehan — once dubbed by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as an “extraordinary media coach” who helped her master the teleprompter.
Mr. Sheehan’s firm, Sheehan Associates, could receive more than $100,000 under a current contract and has been providing occasional speech and consulting services to the White House since 2009, federal purchasing records show.
Although Mr. Sheehan has a reputation of helping politicians look good speaking in public, neither his firm nor its White House client has anything to say about the contracting arrangement. Sheehan Associates failed to respond to telephone and email inquiries about the hiring arrangement this week and last, as did the White House press office.
It would be one thing if the Obama used campaign funds or had the DNC hire the media coach to help Obama, but to have the taxpayers pay for it instead of Obama, his campaign fund or the DNC is just outrageous.
And the most transparent White House in history (sarcasm) won't even comment on the bozo being hired.
President Obama: Worst president ever.
George W. Bush (the REAL worst president ever) hired Karl Rove for several positions, some newly created, all paid for at taxpayer expense. Rove is exclusively partisan, only working to ensure Republican victory in elections, an eternal campaign. He does not make policy or make things better for Americans, he spins for his party. And we paid him a lot more than $100,000. Rove trumps the teleprompter guy.