Two stories show the lack of common sense some Las Vegas unions have.
First, nurses from Mountain View Hospital, located in the northwest part of the Valley have voted to go on strike. From the LVRJ: Registered nurses at MountainView hospital have authorized their negotiating team to strike against the hospital if necessary, the National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United said Thursday.
The strike vote came from "frustration with the lack of progress in ongoing collective bargaining and the hospital's refusal to take measures to guarantee safe staffing and patient care standards at the hospital," the labor group said in a statement.
But the hospital has a different view: MountainView said in a statement that its focus remains on providing excellent patient care, and that Nevada Hospital Association studies show mandated staffing ratios don't improve patient care. The hospital isn't willing to agree to them, officials said.
The hospital also offered a "generous wage increase" and continued benefits including free health care and a 401(k) plan, even as other local hospitals such as University Medical Center are cutting wages retroactively by up to 2 percent.
The vote "is yet another typical union tactic that attempts to pressure the hospital into signing a contract that is not in the best interest of the hospital, its patients and the community," the hospital's statement said.
Memo to the nurses: There is no longer a nursing shortage. The hospital can bring in nurses who have been laid off at different hospitals and clinics and bring in rent a nurses who do just as good a job as the local nurses.
In the other bit of union thuggery and again from the LVRJ: Members of the Culinary Workers Union stood outside a Subway restaurant on Thursday, passing out leaflets urging the owners of the franchise to call on Station Casinos LLC to "stop its anti-union campaign."
"We believe it's important that the public understand what Station Casinos is doing," said Yvanna Cancella, the union's political director.
The leaflets asked customers, "What's the price of your sandwich?" It also identified Frank Schreck as the owner of the restaurant at 4551 W. Flamingo Road and as a "business partner" of Station Casinos.
The little crybaby union thugs are just pissed because Station Casinos and their employees are quite happy not being part of the thug union called the Culinary Workers or in reality "The Harry Reid Whore Culinary Union".
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