Rosanne Barr, comedian(?), announced she is running for president on the Green Tea Party ticket.
From hispanicbusiness: Yep, it's true. Actress Roseanne Barr has thrown her name ito the basket to become the next president of the United States.
She made the announcement on Thursday night during an appearance on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno."
"I'm totally serious," Barr said. "'Cause I want to be part of the debates, because I want to represent the tax payer. In fact, I'm choosing the tax payers as my vice president."
She said she wouldn't run for either party, because she made up her own -- "The American Green Tea Party."
From Barr's web site: Greetings Earthlings! Greetings my fellow and sister Taxpayers of America, as well as any members of the Animal Kingdom who might be listening to me now. I speak for you today. I speak Truth to power today in honor of the mothers and grandmothers of this country (and all countries) who are the backbone of this and all countries, and without whose sacrifice, there would be no soldiers to fight in rich men's war for turf in order to sell weapons, drugs, pornography, and the fried corpses of headless chickens that Colonel Sanders and other Colonels, Generals and contractors within the military industrial complex, genetically modified for mass consumption, and which will soon lead to the ultimate death of the Entire Cosmic Web of Life, including Human Doom.
I'm here today to announce that after a lifetime in TV and show business, and even tougher, raising five children and five grandsons, I have, thanks to much prayer and meditation decided to pursue a less stressful future. I, Roseanne Barr am simply going to fix everything...
Sadly the current leaders of the world--99% of them male, are selfish idiots, moral cowards, greedy incompetents and sexual degenerates who cannot keep their penises in their pants at all, ever, for any reason. In order to save future generations of males, as well as females and animal and plant life forms, I today (mother's day) declare Patriarchal Politics obsolete, and I call forth Divine Matriarchy, the only thing that can save this sad planet at this late and dying date.
Here is Part 1 of her announcement to run for President:
Well, she can't be any worse than Presdient Obama- at least she has more real world experience than him.
Now, for her running mate. Newt Gingrich or maybe Dennis Kucinich comes to mind.
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