The polls in Wisconsin have closed for the recall of 6 GOP state senators and now comes the waiting for the results. Voting was heavy in all the districts, which may bode well for the GOP because these are GOP heavy districts. But, who knows what will happen.
The results will have a big effect on the country. If the recalls succeed, look fo rmore recalls across the country where ant-public union laws went into effect, like in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. If the recalls fail, it will give momentum for the GOP to do more and it gives the Tea Party candidates more legitimacy.
For results, you can click here:
Update: The first race goes to the GOP in which Robert Cowles Defeated Nancy Nusbaum. The Dems were counting on this race because Nusbaum was a strong candidtate.
Update: Another GOP Win: Shelia Harsdorf (R) defeated Shelly Moore
Update: Luther Olsen GOP Defeated Fred Clark Dem
The Dem's have to sweep the next 3 elections to gain control of the Senate and it will be close. Two Dem's have a comfortable lead and the third GOP has a slim lead, less than 5oo votes. However, next week, 2 Dems face a recall vote and they have to win those 2 or they will lose control of the senate.
Update: 2 Dem's just won their elections: Jennifer Shilling defeated Dan Kapanke and Jessica King defeated Randy Hopper.
In the final race, Alberta Darling has come back and took the lead over Sandra Pasch in one of the more dirtier campaigns. The Dem's were caught buying votes and Pasch has been unethical in her campaigning. On the hand, Darling is a RINO and from what I have heard, ran a poor campaign. With 82% of the vote counted, Darling leads by about 4000 votes. If the remaining votes to be counted are from Milwaukee, Darling loses but if the votes left to be counted come from the suburbs, especially away from Lake Michigan, Darling will win.
update: Several people and news people have called the race for Darling.
If this is true, the the WI. Senate stays Republican and all that union money spent in Wisconsin went for nothing. So far, conservatives have won, since 2010, have won fromt eh Democrats the WI. State Assembly and senate, the governer's race, a supreme court race and kept the Senate despite the recall efforts.
Wisconsin is a blue state as they have voted for Democrats in 2008.
This does not bode well for Democrats in 2012.
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