Tomorrow, there is a bill in the House of Represantives that is being voted on in which will tell what side U.S. Rep. and Senate candidate Shelly Berkley supports: union thugs or workers.
Several months ago, the NLRB decided that Boeing could not operate a factory in South Carolina, a right to work State, because a bunch of union thugs, supported by Obama's NLRB, said that Boeing could not open that factory up because it may put some workers out of work, even that was proved to be a lie. Never mind that not one Boeing factory worker in Washington state lost their job because of the South Carolina facorty, but to union thugs and Obama's NLRB, they don't care about the truth.
The real reason why the union thugs and the NLRB are pissed because the airplane factory in South Carolina is not going to be unionized. However, if the plant becomes unionized, the union thugs said that they would drop their complaint.
Tomorrow, there will be a voted in the House of Representatives that will forbid the NLRB from closing or relocating workers. From Fox News: House Republicans, angry over the government's labor dispute with Boeing Co., are taking up a bill that would prohibit the National Labor Relations Board from ordering any company to close plants or relocate workers, even if a company flouts labor laws.
The measure, which is expected to come up for a House vote Thursday, would undercut a high-profile lawsuit filed in April that accuses Boeing of violating labor laws by opening a new production line for its 787 airplane in right-to-work South Carolina.
The board says Boeing is punishing unionized Washington state workers for past strikes.
Boeing has vigorously denied the allegations, claiming the move was an economic decision.
Business groups claim the board has overstepped its bounds, and say no agency should have the right to dictate where a company can or cannot create jobs.
Read more:
If President Obama wants to create more jobs, he needs to look at his own NLRB and this case and tell them to stop the thuggery. Companies from overseas don't want to invest in the U.S. because they fear rulings like this and union thugs like those from the Boeing factory.
So, tomorrow, Rep. Shelly Berkley, will be faced with a vote in which she has to decide who she favors: workers who are unemployed, need jobs, are under employed and workers in right to work states like her home state- Nevada.
Or will Shelly Berkley support the union thugs who favor decisions like the Boeing ruling and say the hell with workers.
Which is it Shelly, who do you support- workers or thugs?
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