From the Las Vegas Sun: Nevada's delegation in the U.S. Senate, both Harry Reid, a Democrat, and Dean Heller, a Republican, agree it’s important that Congress pass a two-month payroll tax and unemployment insurance bill and have called on a recalcitrant House to move it through.
In the House however, Nevada's representatives remain divided on the matter.
“The fact that the Senate sent back a two-month policy that is truly unable to be implemented for the people actually responsible for making payroll shows how disconnected [senators] are from the real world,” said Republican Rep. Joe Heck, who called the Senate-passed payroll tax cut bill “utterly ridiculous.”
Republican Rep. Mark Amodei, agreeing with Heck, called the 60-day extension “a can-kick of Olympic proportions,” in a statement this afternoon. “Nevadans deserve to know what the future hold for them on the issues of taxes, unemployment and medical care for longer than the next 60 days...That is why I am more than willing to work for the next two weeks to provide some longer-term certainty.”
But Heller sounds like his opponent, Shelly Berkle who said this: Nevada’s middle-class families who still have a job cannot afford a massive tax increase in January,” she said on the House floor this afternoon. “Thanks to the Tea Party extremists in the House of Representatives...they’re holding middle-class families hostage, they’re holding unemployed people hostage and they’re holding seniors hostage.”
Berkley and Heller sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S. ING First comes love, then comes marriage....
Dean, don't you think something is wrong when you side with Crybaby Reid and Shelley Berkley over Joe Heck and Mark Amodei?
And thank you to to Joe Heck and Mark Amodei for sticking to their conservative principals
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