The Pahrump Valley Times is a small town newspaper in Pahrump, NV. Pahrump is located about 60 miles from Las Vegas.
The newspaper is made up of liberals and are apparently are bitter that they live in a fairly conservative town/county. (Ron Paul won the GOP cacus tonight) the writers at the PVT think they are muckraker journalists like Mike Royko, Upton Sinclair and Bob Woodward. But all they are a bunch pissed off liberals that the citizens of Nye don't support.
Now, the PVT comes up with a story about a scandal at a local Nye County school where graduates may have gotten diplomas they didn't earn. That may or may not be true. However, what is very troubling is that the PVT disclosed in the article many confidential school records, that were illegally obtained under federal law.
Some examples:
Records show one student, for example, completed an entire year of Algebra, including at least 11 tests, some 320 exam questions in all, in less than 45 minutes. The student later failed the math portion of his high school proficiency test the first time he took it.
Records obtained by the newspaper show that on a list of 49 graduating Pathways students last summer, at least 10 students were set to receive a diploma despite having final tests assigned to them in more than a few required classes. This was happening even up until the last week of school.
And: Examining the records, one is immediately struck by how many empty lesson fields there are for some classes.
One student who graduated had tests assigned out as late as June 3 in Pre-Algebra, Earth Science and Language Arts. All the assignments and quizzes were either marked “assigned” or “skipped.” The final exams in those courses were also marked “assigned.”
And: This student was among the less troubling examples. Among the most troubling was the student who passed a year of math courses in 45 minutes. He was a sophomore and was in Pathways along with his sophomore girlfriend. She was expecting a baby and the last thing the young couple wanted to do was to be in school.
The couple, despite hardly doing any lessons in only their second semester at Pathways, was able to complete three years of academic work and graduate in just a few months. Both graduated in the summer and reportedly live in San Diego today. They did not return calls seeking comment.
Their records, printed out from the district’s OdysseyWare portal, does show completed work as well as unfinished assignments. But even the record of completed work raises serious questions.
For example, the young woman was awarded credit for a whole semester of Government course work that she completed in 11 minutes. She got the same for a semester of Spanish, which according to the girl’s “Student Activity Breakdown,” was also completed in 11 minutes. She completed a whole year of English lessons in 27 minutes.
Her young boyfriend, besides his prowess in Algebra, received credit in Economics after only doing 51 minutes worth of work. He received credit in General History though he only did 30 minutes worth of work. World History, by comparison, took him 13 hours to complete
First, the PVT said some records came from the District's Odyssey Ware Portal. Clearly, the PVT should not have access to this information, but they did. How and who provided them accesss? Whoever provided the access is guilty of violating the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Among other things, the Act says only parents and guardians have access to the student's personal information, including grades, with certain exceptions,
From the Act: Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.
Clearly, this information does not allow test scores, information from Oddesy Ware Portal, attendance records, grades, if a girl was pregnant at the time while in school etc.
So, again, who violated the law?
When I questioned the PVT on how they obtained the information, they refused to print my question or explain how they obtained the records, so clearly, they are hiding something.
So, instead of the PVT investigating the Pathways School, maybe they ought to investigate who broke the FERPA Act and they probably ought to start with Matt Ward and see how he may have obtained illegally obtained records.
Perhaps, the Fed's ought to do some invetigating as well.
So how do we get the feds to investigate them. They have no morals and are more like bullies then a newspaper. I would love to help take them down and to start with Matt Ward. Please post what we can do. The citizens of Nye County can't stand this trash rag and want them out of town.