Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Now That Walker Won, How Does the Left React?

With threats to kill, hate and slander, of course.
From Tonight, liberal Twitter users are openly advocating the assassination of Gov. Scott Walker:
Twitchy then shows some Twitter postings advocating killing Scott Walker:
Somebody gone kill Scott Walker man
They gone JFK Scott Walker. Shoot his mfn head off BANG BANG!!! *chief keef voice* 🏃🔫—  
somebody need to Abe Lincoln Scott Walker cave frog lookin ass
I wanna kill scott walker so fucking baddd!!!!! & the racist dumb assholes that voted for him #nbs
FatBitchess&GoodWeed (@DomoSoloDolo) June 06, 2012

 Those are some of the more cleaner tweets.
Thankfully, the cops in Wisconsin are going to investigate these thugs.
T hen you a fella named capper.  Capper is a blogger from Wisconsin who also is a social worker/public employee and over the past few years, he has developed a very strange hatred of Walker, to the point of being an Internet stalker.  If Walker sneezes, Capper will find a way to make to make into a scandal.
Well he says this about Walker today and yesterday:
There is the questionable electric voting machines that Walker's been bringing in, mostly in the northernmost counties which had gone against him in 2010 and suddenly flipped.  These machines have proven to be easily tampered with and utterly unreliable
And on Tuesday morning, WTMJ 620-AM radio station was telling people on their news program that the residency law was 90 days instead of 28.  I've heard that the GAB is looking into that bit of skulduggery too.
Our side wasn't much better, as in that idiotic Walker love child nonsense.  Everyone knows that Walker has no heart to love anyone or anything with.  I shudder to think how many man hours were lost  as people chased after this distraction. Our side wasn't much better, as in that idiotic Walker love child nonsense.  Everyone knows that Walker has no heart to love anyone or anything with.  I shudder to think how many man hours were lost  as people chased after this distraction.
Their star child will soon fall from his pedestal, dragged down by no one but himself.  How will the Republicans extol the "virtues" of their agenda and ideology when Walker is doing the perp walk into court to answer to his indictment?  You will see all, and I do mean all, of Walker's friends backpedaling so fast they will run the risk of falling on their own butts.
But as I mentioned, unfortunately, Walker won't be there to take the heat for his failure.  He'll be in prison by then, disgraced and humiliated as the truth comes out about him.
And yes, that will leave us with the vacuous-minded, homophobic, self-hating Rebecca Kleefisch as governor.  Her ineptness will soon become all too apparent and she will become nothing more than a laughable figurehead.  And because of her ineptitude and maliciousness, and her ties to the then-jailed Walker, she won't win her first election of governor.
Obviously, the tin foil hat capper wears has been on way too tight for the past 10 years or and now he has to resort to slander, libel and just pure vile hatred.  Quite honestly, the only other place I have seen such hatred and stalking of a person is when I worked at a institution for the criminally insane.
So, hopefully those who threatened to kill Scott Walker will face serious criminal charges and hopefully, I sincerely hope capper can get a real life before he goes even crazier than he really is.

1 comment:

  1. It bugs me when people say, "both sides do it." But in this case it's true. Whenever there is a major controversial political event, there are death threats from the loonies on the opposite side. I am with you in condemning anyone who issued death threats against Scott Walker or anyone else.

    Hopefully it's just some overwrought, overweight keyboard commandos who don't have the energy to get out of their computer chairs.
