You just cannot make these things up when it comes to public employee unions.
From The Washington Examiner: Montgomery County's police union used felons,
including a fugitive and a man convicted of forgery, to collect
signatures for a ballot measure that would kill legislation reducing
police collective bargaining rights, court documents show.
The county cites the Fraternal Order of Police's use of felons among
reasons why at least 6,700 of the34,828 signatures validated by the
County Board of Electionsare insufficient to put the measure,
protecting police officers' ability to negotiate any management
decision, on the November ballot.
The felons were responsible for collecting signatures and certifying they were gathered legally.
"The notion that a felon who under Maryland
law would be prohibited from voting in an election, and who at any time
was at the risk of arrest by the very individuals on whose behalf he
was circulating the petition, would be responsible for preventing fraud
flies in the face of common sense and is truly laughable," attorneys
for the county wrotein documents filed in Montgomery County Circuit
I am sure most of the police officers in the union would not support what their police union did. But most police unions in large cities and urban areas are not run by police officers but union professionals who don't care about rules, like those public employee unions in Wisconsin.
But hey, maybe the cops were running a rehabilitation program for felons?
Like I said, you just cannot make these things up.
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