Today, an arbitrator ruled that Clark County teachers were not entitled to a raise they received at the beginning of the school year, but instead of making the teachers pay back the money the teachers were overpaid, the CCSD is not going to make the teachers pay back the money.
From the LVRJ:Pay raises given to about half of Clark County's 17,000 teachers and licensed personnel at the beginning of the school year will be rescinded Friday , sending teachers back to their 2011-12 salary levels, according to an arbitrator who ruled Thursday in favor of the Clark County School District.
Superintendent Dwight Jones said he was "relieved" with the decision concerning teachers' 2012-13 contract, which will allow him to put more teachers into classrooms. The district will be able to bring back about 415 teacher positions that were cut last year, said district Chief Financial Officer Jeff Weiler in arbitration hearings.....
In its arbitration proposal, the cash-strapped district sought to freeze teacher salaries this school year, even though teachers have been paid raises for five months, totaling $11.5 million.
The district, the fifth-largest in the nation with 311,000 students, won't force teachers to repay raises already paid out.
This is nothing more that a power struggle between the Superintendent, Dwight Jones and the union. Jones is trying to get rid of the union by taking away raises and not helping fully fund the teacher's Health Trust.
It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
I will eat my hat if my class sizes go down. More administrators and consultants will be hired, not to mention school counselors.