From CBS New York: As CBS 2’s Jessica Schneider reported, Small visited the then-cardinal at his Buenos Aires residence several years ago, and was astonished at how the now-pontiff welcomed him.
“There’s no one else in the house. He’s answering his own door. They didn’t show us into a nice little lounge, where you wait until the grand man comes in,” Small said. “He was just incredibly down to earth.”
Bergoglio’s demeanor came from his humble upbringing.
Bergoglio is one of five children and as a child suffered a respiratory illness that left him with just one lung. Bergoglio is known in his native city’s archdiocese for his simplicity, CBS 2′s Schneider reported.
Prior to his election, Bergoglio didn’t live in the archbishop palace, but rather in an apartment, where he cooked his own meals. His vestments are also simple. Case in point, on Wednesday he came out in a white cassock instead of the red cape and papal stoll.
He even chose to wear his own, simple cross — devoid of diamond and jewels — as he stood on the balcony taking in the incredible scene below.
“He’s lived those 76 turbulent years on little buses and bikes and convents, in dusty lanes all across Latin America,” Small said. “I think he’s going to transform the papacy in a real way.”
Bergoglio often rode the bus to work and regularly visited the slums that ring Argentina’s capital. He considers social outreach, rather than doctrinal battles, to be the essential business of the Church.
“His way shows very much that he wants to approach people, listen to people, ask their blessing,” said the Rev. Luke Sweeney of the New York Archdiocese.
He sounds like a down to earth good man and I hope people learn from him, like a guy who lives in a white house in Washington D.C.
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