Sunday, July 7, 2013
I'm Sure, Somewhere, A Union Thug Is Pissed
From Last month, officials at San Francisco International Airport hired a herd of part-time employees to toil on the west side of the property and engage in an unusual — but environmentally friendly — form of fire prevention.
Anyone looking down from a plane departing the airport may have wondered, What's with the goats?
For two weeks in June, Mr. Fuzzy, Cookie, Mable, Alice and nearly 400 other goats chomped on the brush in a remote corner of the airport. The area needs to be cleared each spring to protect nearby homes from potential fires. But machines or humans can't be used because two endangered species — the San Francisco garter snake and the California red-legged frog — live there.
It's not exactly the type of job you advertise in the local classifieds. So, for the past five years officials have turned to Goats R Us, a small brush-removal company run by Terri Oyarzun, her husband Egon and their son Zephyr.
The airport paid $14,900 for the service this year.
You know some union thug is pissed because these goats aren't unionized, don't make a livable wage, probably took a union job from someone, don't get paid overtime, don't pay union dues, no grievance procedures, an abusive goat herder, no paid sick or vacation time and they don't get free medical care.
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