Friday, August 9, 2013
Pro Abortion Law Slapped Down
From the Chicago Tribune: The city of Elgin unfairly restricted a religious group's ability to operate a mobile ultrasound service for pregnant women through an ordinance that is "unconstitutionally vague" and "ill-advised," a federal judge ruled Thursday.
The judgment by U.S. District Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan favored the anti-abortion organization's efforts to provide information and services to low-income pregnant girls and women from a remodeled recreational vehicle known by some clients as the "ultrasound bus."
"The city's code is unduly burdensome to the right of a woman to choose life," the judge stated in a ruling that rejected the city's motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed by The Life Center Inc.
"It is puzzling why the city would be so unreasonable in implementing ordinances and policies that curtail not only the constitutional rights of its citizens but also the availability of needed medical care and emotional support for its vulnerable young women."
The ruling, which also allows The Life Center to continue pursuing 11 other claims in its lawsuit against the city, was described by supporters as an overwhelming victory.
The Life Center filed the lawsuit after the city enforced a new ordinance on temporary uses in August 2012 that restricted the number of times that the Christian organization's mobile unit could park at the same place.,0,2352538.story
This was a total slap down by the judge against the City of Elgin. And it was a really strong statement by the judge when he said this: "The city's code is unduly burdensome to the right of a woman to choose life." We have not heard many judges say that in a long time.
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