And Obama says what about all the violence in his hometown, where still owns a house protected by the Secret Service.....
Yep, not a word. Not a damn word.
From the Chicago Tribune: Ten people were shot, three of them fatally, in Labor Day shootings on Chicago's South and West sides, according to authorities.
Among the dead was a 16-year-old boy shot as he sat on a front porch in the Far South Side's Fernwood neighborhood.
Police said someone opened fire about 5:30 p.m. from a gangway across the street, striking the 16-year-old in the chest as he sat on a porch in the 10500 block of South LaSalle Street. A 22-year-old man sitting nearby sustained a graze wound to the back but declined medical attention.,0,1271811.story
And Obamaite, Rahm Emmanuel, mayor of Chicago has said nothing.
Why does Obama hate the City of Chicago and it's minority community?
Update, from the Chicago Sun: Seven men and a 16-year-old boy were killed and at least 20 people have been injured in shootings across the city since Friday night.
Genocide is happening in Chicago and the Obama administration is silent.
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