Monday, January 6, 2014

How True, How True

From the Independent Journal Review:
We’ve all been there: Stuck in a hopelessly circular argument with a liberal who won’t get to the point, acknowledge basic facts even exist, or get past juvenile name-calling in debates. It can be really frustrating.
One thing people can do to fight back is just to code all the non-responses to logical or rational arguments. Cryptically flipping back “Give me a break with that number 5 nonsense” or “Man, number 3, again?” can really humiliate people whose stupidity is broken down to a science.
So with no further adieu, here is your Rosetta Stone of Liberal Rhetoric (and it can be done with less-than-bright members of other political persuasions).
1. Ad Hominem (Name-Calling aka “You’re a Racist!” etc.)
2. Distracting (aka “Pivoting” aka “Changing the Subject”)
3. Somebody Else Did It Before (aka Two Wrongs Make a Right)
4. Obama Doesn’t Know What’s Going On (Or Did I Do That?)
The article goes and when you read liberal blogs and read and listen to the liberal press, you can see the pattern.
It's a great article and a good read.

1 comment:

  1. With only slight adjustment, you could make a similar "Rosetta Stone of Conservative Rhetoric."

    1. Ad Hominem ("Gun grabber!" "Un-American!")
    2. Distracting (Exactly the same, and very, very common)
    3. Somebody else did it before (ditto), or its cousin, ignoring the fact that a conservative has done it before.
    4. Obama is to blame (for everything), even if it happened before he was in office, or is only tangentially under his control.

    And yeah, the list could go on, and after arguing politics since the before the internet, I could write it in my sleep.

    Maybe I will!
