Thursday, January 2, 2014

I Call BS

From the Houston Chronicle:  Former Minnesota punter Chris Kluwe says his special teams coordinator made anti-gay comments while Kluwe was with the Vikings, an allegation the coach "vehemently denies."
In an article posted Thursday on the website Deadspin, Kluwe wrote that coach Mike Priefer made several anti-gay comments in objection to Kluwe's outspoken opposition of an anti-gay marriage amendment in Minnesota.
Kluwe also says former Vikings coach Leslie Frazier and current general manager Rick Spielman encouraged him to tone down his rhetoric in an effort to reduce distractions to the team. At the same time, Kluwe said, Vikings owner Zygi Wilf expressed support for Kluwe's championing of gay rights.
Hours later, Priefer issued a statement disputing Kluwe's portrayal of the events.
"I want to be clear that I do not tolerate discrimination of any type and am respectful of all individuals," Priefer said. "I personally have gay family members who I love and support just as I do any family member."
The Vikings said in a statement that they take the allegations "very seriously and will thoroughly review this matter."
"As an organization, the Vikings consistently strive to create a supportive, respectful and accepting environment for all of our players, coaches and front office personnel," the team said. "We do not tolerate discrimination at any level.
"The team has long respected our players' and associates' individual rights, and, as Chris specifically stated, Vikings ownership supports and promotes tolerance, including on the subject of marriage equality. Because he was identified with the Vikings, Chris was asked to be respectful while expressing his opinions. Team ownership and management also repeatedly emphasized to Chris that the Vikings would not impinge on his right to express his views."
Kluwe called Priefer "a bigot" and Spielman and Frazier "two cowards" for releasing him in May after eight seasons with the Vikings.
He was due to make $1.45 million, which was more than the cap-strapped Vikings wanted to spend on a punter. So they drafted Jeff Locke in the fifth round and parted ways with Kluwe, bringing to an end his colorful and outspoken stay in Minnesota.
"Any notion that Chris was released from our football team due to his stance on marriage equality is entirely inaccurate and inconsistent with team policy," the Vikings said Thursday. "Chris was released strictly based on his football performance."
While I am sure some in the Vikings organization may have upset for the former punter for making the remarks about gay marriage, that's not the reason why he was cut and not the reason why no other team picked him up.
The truth was that he was a average punter who played in a domed stadium and didn't kick very well outdoors.
The NFL doesn't care if you are purple with horns coming out of your head and has a tail coming out of his butt.  If you can play NFL football, you will play.  Do you think that the owners of the Oakland raiders, Jerry Jones of the Cowboys and other ambitious owners care what the ex-punter's views on gay marriage are?
And the fact that every other team in the NFL chose not to pick him up shows his view point is not valid.

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