Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So, What Happened To The Old War On Poverty?

From the Chicago Sun Times: The Rev. Jesse Jackson called for a revival of the 1960s-era War on Poverty, President Lyndon B. Johnson’s initiative that brought us Head Start, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, various job training programs and also ramped up funding for welfare and public housing.
In a news conference Wednesday, the 50th anniversary of Johnson’s War on Poverty speech, Jackson said that many of these problems are under attack or have been eliminated and that the number of poor has grown to record levels....
Jackson did not address critics of President Johnson’s social programs who claim that welfare and public housing as implemented by the federal government helped destroy black families and communities. But he did say programs such as Head Start preschools and job training were proven to work.
So, we spent $trillions on poverty program and nothing they have done has worked.
So, why should we spend trillions more?
Especially if Jesse Jackson is advocating for it.

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