Friday, January 10, 2014

The Obama Economy Still Sucks

Only a true Obama loving Kool Aide drinker thinks the economy is just fine or improving.
From ZeroHedge: Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%. 
And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million.
And in our own neck of the woods, From the Las Vegas Sun:
Target says it will be shutting one store in Las Vegas and another in North Las Vegas in early May.
No, the Obama economy still sucks and it will continue to suck until Obama, most Democrats and yes, most Republicans are out of office.

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