I have taken several vacations to Colorado, mostly to visit my sister who lives in Boulder but also to Colorado Springs and a away to travel home to Wisconsin.
Well, no more since they decided to let the pot heads loose in the State. It's bad enough that they have drunk drivers in the state, like every other state. Now, you add the pot heads who will be on the road
and for me, it makes the State unsafe to visit or drive through.
From the Denver Pot, err, Post:
From Telluride to Denver, thousands of people cheerfully stood in lines for hours to buy legal marijuana after presenting nothing more than identification.
Marijuana activists hailed the day as a watershed in their effort to overturn anti-cannabis laws. Store owners — several of whom said the turnout exceeded even their own ambitious expectations — feared running out of supply.
Police reported no problems with the crowds, and government officials marveled at the calm.
Overall, the day went as marijuana activists had hoped it would: In the most extraordinary way possible, it was ordinary.
"I've been waiting 34 years for this moment," enthused Chrissy Robinson, who arrived at one store, Evergreen Apothecary in Denver, at 2 a.m. to be among the first in line. "I've been smoking since I was 14. No more sneaking around."...
Later this year, Washington state will launch a marijuana industry similar to Colorado's. The U.S. Department of Justice has decided not to block legalization in either state, so long as the states implement strict regulations on the stores.
In a statement Wednesday, Colorado U.S. Attorney John Walsh said federal authorities "will be monitoring Colorado's efforts to regulate marijuana closely."
Read more: World's first legal recreational marijuana sales begin in Colorado - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_24828236/worlds-first-legal-recreational-marijuana-sales-begin-colorado#ixzz2pEsJsWDH
They say they can only sell a quarter ounce of pot to people who live outside the State, but will stop them from going to store to store and bring the stuff back.
And this will not stop the illegal drug trade. The cartels will just lower their price and they won't have to charge the taxes and the cartels will be open for business when the pot heads want more than a pot high.
Of course, this Colorado law violates Federal law, but I guess when you have a president who is a self proclaimed pot and coke head, the Feds are not going to anything. I also suspect Obama maybe visiting Colorado more often and without his family so he can indulge in the smoking of pot... but then he probably does it in the White House garage, away from his kids.
And for the record, I have never, ever smoked pot.
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