Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Stupid Vegas Judge
Yeah, this judge looks competent.
This judge is a complete moron.
From the LVRJ: District Judge Ken Cory has had enough of the legal squabble over who has the right to adopt out the 27 dogs nearly burned in a pet store arson case.
The veteran judge Wednesday rebuked the parties in the case for wasting tax dollars, questioned their motivation and told the lawyers for the Prince and Princess Pet Boutique, The Animal Foundation and Clark County they have until mid-May to settle the petty dispute.
“We are here seated chewing up taxpayer resources… simply to resolve who gets to place the dogs,” said a dismayed Cory....
“May I suggest to all the parties in all earnestness this is not a good expenditure of taxpayer resources in a city where we have thousands of people, people who are homeless. In a city where we have all kinds of human needs, perhaps we would be better off to expend resources there rather than trying to save, not save dogs, no… just trying to decide who gets to place them.”
First, there is no extra tax money being used to hear the case and the court fees were paid, so, no extra tax resources are being used.
Further, it is the job of the judge to judge disputes, whether it involves animals, cars, people or zebras.
Finally, what do the dogs and the homeless have in common? Nothing, unless the stupid judge wants to serve the dogs to the homeless at the local homeless shelter.
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