Monday, April 28, 2014
I Don't Believe It
From the LVRJ: Federal authorities are investigating threats against Sen. Harry Reid, U.S. Capitol Police confirmed Monday, in the wake of the standoff over Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s “trespass cattle.”
The Capitol Police “is currently looking into threatening statements made against Sen. Reid, as part of an ongoing investigation,” spokesman Shennell Antrobus said. He declined to discuss the nature of the threats or to confirm details of Reid’s security. It was unclear whether the threats were related to the Bundy standoff.
Politico first reported the investigation and said Reid has increased his security detail in recent days. A Reid spokeswoman declined to comment. As Senate majority leader, the Nevada Democrat is provided a 24-hour guard team by the agency that provides security in the Capitol complex.
Reid initially kept a low profile as the Bureau of Land Management attempted to round up Bundy cattle deemed to be grazing illegally on public land in the Gold Butte region of Clark County.
Bundy, who says he does not recognize U.S. government jurisdiction on the land, has not paid grazing fees since the early 1990s and is said to owe $1.1 million.
But Reid unloaded when the BLM was forced to back down on April 12 after hundreds of armed Bundy supporters showed up, adding to the tense atmosphere.
I don't believe that any serious threats have been leveled against Reid.
Reid has been hammered (or he is hammered) because he acted like a complete fool in the Bundy case. Now, I believe, Reid is seeking sympathy from his supporters by claiming false threats.
And Reid, not satisfied with his three SUV caravans now wants more security? Please. He wants more security to look more important because he is such a vain person.
So, until Reid and his ilk supply some solid evidence about threats, I call BS.
Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well. See the link below for more info.