The Las Vegas Badger is about politics, humor, sports, reality shows in Las Vegas, especially Pawn Stars and anything else interesting. While I live in Las Vegas, my heart is still in Wisconsin.
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This is a most peculiar and particularly whiny argument. Weak sauce. There wasn't a single out-of-bounds, mean or nasty thing said by Obama in that whole clip. You could accuse him of being silly, or maybe too LIGHT with his touch . . .seriously. Big Bird, Elmo, binders and bayonets is somehow nasty mudslinging? Romnesia? Condescending? Dismissive sure. Nothing wrong with that.
This is a most peculiar and particularly whiny argument. Weak sauce. There wasn't a single out-of-bounds, mean or nasty thing said by Obama in that whole clip. You could accuse him of being silly, or maybe too LIGHT with his touch . . .seriously. Big Bird, Elmo, binders and bayonets is somehow nasty mudslinging? Romnesia? Condescending? Dismissive sure. Nothing wrong with that.