From the Las Vegas Sun: As soon as Tanner Seebaum stepped behind the DJ table at Rehab Pool Saturday afternoon, nothing else mattered.
He ditched his wheelchair and worked the equipment. The 16-year-old’s head bobbed to the thumping dubstep bass
while his hands twisted knobs and adjusted sliders on the controller board. The crowd at the dayclub danced and nodded to music he was spinning, music he created.
It was a dream he never thought would come true.
His mother, Stephanie, watched from the pool, while his father, Matt, snapped photos. They're trying to stay in the moment, but it's in the back of their minds -- his time is limited.
Tanner has struggled with a brain tumor for most of his life and last year, doctors told him that it was back after eight years of remission. It was terminal, and it would slowly take over his brain. He's recently lost most of the function on the right side of his body and he can’t hear out of his right ear.
Two weeks ago, doctors told him he had weeks to live, so the family came here from their home in Denver to make his last wish – working the crowd from a Vegas stage – come true....
Still, Tanner’s condition makes nothing a guarantee. His parents were worried they would have to cancel his show when they arrived on Friday. His condition seemed to spiral. He kept asking the same things over and was progressively getting worse.
“Yesterday was about one of the worst days he’s had,” Stephanie Seebaum said.
Yet on Saturday morning, Tanner seemed refreshed. He spent the morning taking in Rehab pool and getting a tour of the equipment from DJ Ryan Beeg.
When it came time to do his set, he dropped into the beat without making a mistake.
“Bottom line, we wouldn’t bring someone to Vegas who couldn’t come up to Rehab pool on EDC weekend and play a great set,” Dyksterhouse said. “He can definitely hold it down.
"I’ve never heard a 16-year-old play as good as he can play.”
For 30 minutes, Tanner dove into his routine working the controls like a professional on one of the most famous stages of Las Vegas. For 30 minutes, he was not a 16-year-old battling a terminal illness to the people in the pool -- he was a DJ.
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Las Vegas has a bad reputation- greed and debauchery but there is more to Las Vegas because we are a giving city/county and we do look out for our own and others, unlike big cities in other areas in the country.
It's nice Rehab gave him a chance but it is also nice to know that the kid earned his chance and that he did a good job.
Good luck in the future, kid.
Shelly Wasserman's Hypocrisy
3 hours ago
Thanks for the commentary at the end of the article. My thoughts exactly about Las Vegas and Clark County. There are not enough of these good stories making it out into the world about Vegas!As the father of Tanner (DJ Seebaum) I send my sincerest gratitude to your great city and the good people at Hard Rock.