The saying used to be: "If you can't beat them, join them".
Now, the new mantra for the cowardly Democrats is: "If you can't beat them, jail them".
From Fox News:
The anonymous source who helped exposed the Milwaukee District Attorney's secret probes on GOP Gov. Scott Walker and his political supporters is purportedly a former employee and self-proclaimed friend of the prosecutor upset over the prosecutor's "hyper-partisan" bias, according to several published accounts.
The source in the so-called "John Doe" probes that have loomed over Wisconsin politics for roughly four years has been identified as Michael Lutz -- who after retiring as a police officer was an unpaid employee in Democratic District Attorney John Chisholm's office and later opened a law practice.
Chisholm revealed in a 2011 conversation that he started the investigation because he wanted to "stop" Walker's successes in reducing a budget shortfall by scaling back collective-bargaining agreements for state employees. And Walker's efforts made Chisholm's wife, a teachers-union boss, weepy, Lutz told a reporter hired by the conservative group America Media Institute, which first published a story Sept. 19.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel political columnist Dan Bice told FoxNews.com on Wednesday that he also spoke to Lutz, who did not deny he was the key source named in the institute’s story.
"When I heard he was the source, I was interested in his story," said Bice, adding Lutz has been a long-time tipster in the Wisconsin political scene.
The John Doe probe is in fact the second of two related to Walker.
The first started in 2010 and focused on Walker aides and associates when he was Milwaukee County executive.
That probe has been closed, but the work was in large part the starting point for the second, ongoing probe that started in 2012.
The new probe largely centers on the type of political activity being done by the conservative groups and whether that work required them to follow state laws that bar coordination with candidates, requires disclosure of political donations and places limits on what can be collected.
The secret probes purportedly included armed law-enforcement officials conducting pre-dawn searches on the investigation targets.
Under Wisconsin law, third-party political groups are allowed to work together on campaign activity and engage in issue advocacy, but they are barred from coordinating that work with actual candidates....
A source told FoxNew.com on Thursday that the investigations have at least achieved their goal of putting a chilling effect of political speech, calling the effort “pure genius.”
He also confirmed that Lutz was the source for the story, which now appears to be part of a counter effort to discredit Chisholm and thwart a potential 2016 re-election effort....
A state judge overseeing the probe also effectively stopped it in January when he issued a ruling quashing requested subpoenas, saying he did not believe anything illegal had transpired. That ruling is under appeal.
The 7th Circuit said that state courts are the proper venue to resolve legal issues with the case.
In February, Wisconsin Club for Growth and Director Eric O'Keefe filed a federal civil rights lawsuit to halt the latest investigation, which is called a John Doe probe because it is being done in secret.
They argued it was a violation of their First Amendment rights and an attempt to criminalize political speech.
No one has been charged in the latest probe and prosecutors have said Walker is not a target. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/27/source-secret-probe-on-wisconsin-conservative-groups-tied-to-walker-sparked-by/
The political left hates, just hates Scott Walker, to the point that they have will do anything to make him look bad.
They hate Walker so bad that if Walker helped an old lady cross a busy street, they would spin the story so bad that they would say that Walker caused the traffic to be so busy on purpose that he wanted the Old Lady to be hit by the traffic because he hates old ladies so much.
A case in point is the blog, Cognitive Dissidence, run by a guy named Capper and now is run primarily by a guy named Jeff Simpson. Capper used to be a nice guy and I don't think Simpson was ever nice. These guys hate Walker so much that have all but called for the assassination of Walker. though, who knows, might actually quietly cheer it.
This started with Tom Delay back in 2005, with a hyper partisan democrat DA filing charges in Texas. Then they have gone after Walker, Rick Perry Chris Christie and many others they perceive as a threat for president in 2016 and have gone after them criminally.
But the democrats, under Obama, have made it an art form by going after someone they don't like criminally, through the IRS, through the media and other illegal means. The democrats don't care if they ruin a person's life financially, ruin the person's and their family's reputation, ruin a person's life spiritually or ruin them in other ways.
You would think these liberals have conscious, have some morals, some ethics, have a soul but they really don't.
And it is shameful. The liberals can't beat Scott Walker, Christie, Perry and others with ideas and politically, they have to resort to make them look bad criminally, even if they did nothing wrong.
Hopefully, karma will bite these liberals in the ass and give them rabies or worse, but karma may not come in this world, but it will come.