Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Liberal Mental Illness: Rip Van Winkle Disease

The La Vegas Sun- the newspaper that people use to wrap their fish in the print edition, just can't bring themselves to blame Democrats.
In today's editorial: "Obama and Congress need to find a way to start digging us out of the hole that President George W. Bush and a Republican-controlled Congress got us into when they started two wars and passed a huge tax cut without corresponding cuts in government spending or increased taxes elsewhere to balance the budget."
Or this doozy from the Sun the other day: "During the Bush administration, for example, the nation entered two wars, and the Republican Congress went on a spending spree — on credit. Republicans also pushed tax cuts, as they are doing now, but trickle-down economics doesn’t work — it has only added to the debt."

Apparently, the brain dead editorial writers suffer from the Rip Van Winkle disease. They must have been asleep for the last two years since they apparently have forgotten that the democrats have been in charge of the White House and Congress.

I sure hope there is a cure for this dreaded disease. But I fear the only antidote will be is when the GOP takes control in 2012, the the liberals will beginning to remember everything.


  1. Would that be anything like the collective amnesia that conservatives have to anything and everything dated before January 20, 2001? That is everything but Ronald Reagan, which they hold in a very skewed light.

  2. Thanks for stopping, capper. Both sides suffer from this, I agree. But the Las Vegas Sun takes it to a new level.
