Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OOOPS!!! Those That Exhausted Their Unemployment Benefits: Obama Just Threw You Under The Bus

Last night it appeared that with the new deal between Obama and the GOP included an extension of unemployment benefits to those who exhausted their unemployment benefits.
Ooops, not so fast. From the LVRJ: "The 26,893 Nevadans who have exhausted all state and federal unemployment benefits won't be getting any additional assistance through the agreement between President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress to extend benefits for another 13 months.
Cindy Jones, the state Employment Security Division administrator, said Tuesday that major media outlets across the country have incorrectly reported that benefits for everyone, including those who have exhausted their benefits, would be extended by the deal.

She said the agreement does not add a new tier 5 of benefits for people who have received unemployment benefits for the maximum 99 weeks."
I have to admit, I am surprised by this and if they extended the benefits of those who exhausted their unemployment checks, I would not have lost sleep over it.
But President Obama just threw the Democrats and the long term unemployed under the bus.
No wonder the left is pissed with him.

1 comment:

  1. Let them eat cake. Right?
    Makes me sad for what we have become as Americans....
