There are a lot of reasons why President Barack "Carter" Obama will be a one term president:
Last week, milk was $2.42 a gallon at Wal Mart for all types-A, D, Whole and Skim.
Today the price is $2.54 for all types at the Wal Mart, a 5% increase in one week.
Everyone has to buy milk, rich, poor, black, white, liberal or conservative. This is an issue that effects everyone and only one person, right or wrong will get blamed. Price increases like this get noticed and it only harms the President in charge, i.e. Obama.
Then you add the other increases in other food and gasoline and you will see a doomed one term president.
Of course, if the GOP nominates a candidate that doesn't have a pulse, like John McCain , Mike Huckabee or Mitt Romney, then all bets are off.
Food commodity prices have increased mainly because of cold weather (crops cant't grow well), export issues (Cote d'Ivoire and cocoa) and gasoline (demand and mideast turmoil). I remember seeing blueberries goe down in cost after a bumper crop that occured in the northeast in '09.
ReplyDeleteDan, unless they find an "out of the blue" candidate like the Democrats did with Bill Clinton, who do they have to run that's a sure fire winner? Things could change of course, the economy could double-dip, some big thing could crater Obama's ratings so that ANYONE could beat him. But if that doesn't happen, who do they have that can beat him?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin and Michele Bachmann have ENORMOUS negatives. Newt Gingrich has that whole serial marriage thing. Tim Pawlenty is borrrrring. Haley Barbour has that horrible accent, corpulence and an unpleasant personality. Bobby Jindal is Kenneth the Page from "30 Rock." Others?
Thanks Adam for writing. I realize commodities go up and down, but the trend is higher and farmers are holding onto their crops to get an even higher price. The weaker dollar, higher fuel prices and that damn global warming winter are having an influence on prices.
ReplyDeleteto Jamie, thanks again for writing, my friend. You ask the $100 question. I fear the GOP wil act stupid and give it to Romney because it is his turn. I favor Chris Christy, Tim Pawlenty or a GOP governor. But the GOP elite are damned stupid and they will probably nominate who is a RINO.