Tuesday, October 30, 2012

San Fran Tough On Giant Fans, Not On Occupiers

Another reason why San Francisco is just a sick city.
From the San Fran Chronicle:  San Francisco authorities unveiled a no-nonsense response Tuesday to a Giants victory celebration that spun out of control Sunday night, vowing to bring both criminal and civil charges against many of those arrested for stirring the chaos.
Those being targeted include Andrew Fitzsimons, accused of shooting a firearm out of a window; Aichieu Saefong, accused of throwing bottles at a Muni bus; and Luis Lomeli, accused of throwing bottles at police officers.
Those three are among more than 30 people who traded their San Francisco Giants orange for jail-issued orange jumpsuits when celebrations rejoicing the team's World Series win turned into a destructive riot, primarily in the Mission District.
City officials were shocked by the early morning outbreak of vandalism - including the torching of a $700,000 Muni bus, flipping cars, dancing on taxis and buses, and touching off about 70 trash fires that were fed with old mattresses, discarded furniture and plastic trash cans.....
The city attorney's office did not seek action against protesters who vandalized Mission District businesses earlier this year. Herrera cited the sheer amounts of evidence against the Giants rioters in comparison to the protesters, and also the need to send a message to any possible instigators.
In the Mission District, rioters set 70 garbage fires and threw bottles at police officers, wounding two who sustained minor lacerations from the broken glass. They tagged a San Francisco police van with anarchy signs and smashed windows.The windows to the GLBT History Museum in the Castro were also shattered. Police spokesman Officer Carlos Manfredi said officers were still investigating all reports of vandalism from the riot and more arrests are possible.
Occupy Thugs: Good.  Baseball Fans: Bad
What a bunch of crap.

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