Monday, April 9, 2018

John McCain Needs To Go...Now

I guess the brain cancer Sen. John McCain is really starting to really effect him.
From the U.K Daily Mail: The White House said Monday that it was 'outrageous' for Sen. John McCain to suggest that President Trump shoulders any of the responsibility for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's latest chemical attack.
McCain, the chairman of the Armed Services committee and a Republican like the president, said in a harsh Sunday statement that Trump had 'emboldened' Assad with his talk of a drawdown of American forces.
At the White House's daily press briefing, a reporter suggested that Trump essentially green lit the attack, pointing to McCain's response.
'Look we're still there. And I think that it is outrageous to say that the President of the United States green lit something as atrocious as the actions that have taken place,' press secretary Sarah Sanders rebuffed.
Sadly, McCain is my senator and as a conservative, McCain is an embarrassment to Arizona and the senate and quite frankly, to most of the United States.
Just resign, now, McCain.

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