I almost never comment on letters to the editors, mainly because the letter writer is usually not a professional writer and they deserve some privacy.
Having said that, a letter to the Las Vegas Sun is being commented on quite frequently and the Sun is displaying it prominently on their web site.
The letter reads: I had the curiosity the other night to watch the Republican “debate” hosted by Fox News Channel. It played out to a half-empty auditorium in South Carolina with the “candidates” barking like dogs about how poorly the country is run and how President Barack Obama can’t seem to get it right.
The Republican Party has about four months left to shake out pretenders (Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, et al.) to the throne.
Republicans had better get a stronger platform than belittling a president who just made the gutsiest leadership call in the past 50 years. The babbling cable news loonies on both sides of the spectrum have it wrong. America is coming back from the doldrums; we are a resilient country.
We have solid political, civilian and military leadership that didn’t blink or lose focus when the American killer was taken down by our warriors. You really want someone like Mike Huckabee making that call?
Republicans should get serious as they are fast becoming irrelevant to the majority of independents — and we own the next election.
First, I will give the letter writer one thing- the current crop of GOP candidates is weak- there is no doubt about that, but then, the big names have yet to announce- I hope. If this will be the only candidates, then the letter writer is write, the GOP will lose the election. But that is all this clown has right.
Gutsiest call in the last 50 years? By killing Bin Laden? Seriously?
How about Kennedy dealing with racist governors like George Wallace who were standing in school house doors.
How about LBJ with the help of the GOP, passing the civil rights laws.
How about Nixon opening the door to the communist Chinese?
How about Reagan and Bush 1 killing communism in Eastern Europe?
How about Clinton and welfare reform?
How about Bush 2 and dealing with 9/11?
And Obama and Bin Laden? All he did was make the call to do the raid- it didn't require a lot of guts on his part. With all the information and technology, Obama did the right thing but it wasn't a gutsy call by any stretch of the imagination.
And the country coming out of the doldrums? Maybe the letter writer hasn't looked but we are heading in the wrong direction, still. Gas prices are rising and if the letter writer hasn't noticed, food prices have sky rocketed, for the most part. Commodities are rising, meaning higher food prices for the time being and part of this reason is the decision to print billions, if not trillions of new dollars, weakening the dollar. We are going to have some very serious problems very soon. (and yes, I have predicted this and it is coming true)
We own the next election: riiight. Just like you owned the 2010 election 6 months ago, right?
Some times letter writers like Peter McMurran really need to get a sense of reality and think before they write. Otherwise, they come off as doddering fools.
2 hours ago
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