A march and rally for illegal immigrants will be held in Las Vegas on Saturday at the federal courthouse at 3:00. The pro-illegal immigrant politicians will be there. Harry Reid and Shelly Berkley will be there in support of illegal immigrants.
They are expecting between 10,000 to 14,000 illegal immigrant supporters, which really means about 4-5000 people.
One of the biggest BS quotes is this: "Nevada "is such an important state politically, and our constituents are people here who make up a very high immigrant population," said Michael Flores, Southern Nevada director of Reform Immigration for America. "The location is ideal. Right now we're in a big economic downturn, so what we're trying to do is show that if you pass comprehensive immigration reform this would really help the economy. This is a very appropriate place for that, in a city and state that's hurting so bad." " http://www.lvrj.com/news/immigration-reformers-ready-for-saturday-rally-90199067.html
Mr. Flores apparently doesn't understand that illegal immigrants are costing the Las Vegas economy tens of millions of dollars each year. From medical care, education, crime and social services, illegals cost the local economy and government tens of millions each year with little or no benefit for the people legally living here. There will be no benefit maing the illegals, legal. they are not going to spend more, they are not going bring in more tax money and their expense to the government will only go up.
When in Wisconsin, I was pretty much blind to the effects of illegal immigrants, but since moving to Las Vegas, I have seen first hand the harm illegal immigrants have done to this community. Illegals have not helped the economy but it has hurt it and making illegals legal is not going to help the economy one little bit. If anything, it will make things worse. There will be more government services available at the cost of the taxpayer but there would not be any increase in tax revenue.
It would also wrong to say that legal immigrants support illegal immigrants and immigration reform. I know many legal immigrants and they do not like illegal immigrants or immigration reform.
It is pretty obvious why the Dem's want to make illegal immigrants legal- they want their votes. Reid and Berkley also are tone deaf to the majority voices of the people of the Valley- we don't want reforms and most of the people want the illegals, especially those who have committed crimes or receive government services or free medical care at taxpayer expense, to be deported.
So, Harry and Shelly, once again you are giving the people of the Valley the middle finger and saying screw you.
Another reason why Harry and Shelly need to be retired now.
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I have been in lasvegas since 1960 my parents both had jobs to put three kids through school was tough but they manage. it was all they could do to cloth us feed .an put a roof over are heads. an there might have been two or three kids in are school that got free lunches.an you could tell they needed it.why are the tax payers paying for all these kids that are not even suposed to be here.they all get free lunches an free every thing.are Econmy will never get better if we dont do something about it now we are paying for there education an we screwing the kids that belong here .the stuff i worked all my life for like quick care an hospitals. i cant use becauce they are pack with mexicans that never paid for nothing. an collecting wellfare to boot harry read is an ediot.where he lives he doesnt half to deal with . but we do and it sucks. we dont need more schools or teachers or money . we have got to get rid of the mexican NOW.if we dont it cant get any better just worst.ohbama has put us so far in det now we will never get out of he doesnt half to deal with the mexicans either if any of them had two. they would no what we are talking about until then . they dont see no big deal. you bust your hump all your life to watch somebody else that did nothing bennifit from sweat an sore back .and you cant even use that is wrong.
ReplyDeleteWouldnt you think when the police take a statement from somebody .they would check there credidbildy. on how good is there word. think again this girl called them because she was mad at this guys wife. so she told the police that this guy molested her three daughters . they belived every word she said. an didnt even care that any body in her own family doesnt belive aword that comes out of her mouth.but these dectives that didnt no her at all took hook line an sinker this guy has already spent a year in jail now they have talked him in to a pleabargin. that makes you realy wonder how many people are in jail that are inosent. that the police dont want two admit they were wrong.and this guy even paid a lawyer and still got screwed so if you didnt do anything wrong an you dont have any money you half to take a plea bargin to something you didnt do or you will get some serious time. thats are law people belive it.
ReplyDeleteon Sunday May 2nd at Sunset Park in Henderson Nevada, 20,000 Hispanics (Mainly illegals) will be at a Cinco De Mayo event. Why doesnt anybody do anything to get rid of them from Las Vegas and the rest of the country. They do not pay taxes, they do not pay for medical, nor do they pay for education and simply walk away from all debt they OWE!!! Please show support and help get america back to where we need to be... Get Legal or Get out!!!
ReplyDeleteWhere is ICE? Don't we pay those guys to manage the problem of illegals? We should demand that they be there at the Park May 5th. We need to get on the phone and demand they do their job!