From the Las Vegas Sun: "A convicted killer once considered Nevada's most dangerous inmate lost his most recent appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court.
Patrick C. McKenna, 63, has been on death row since 1979 and is among the oldest Nevada prisoners awaiting death by lethal injection.
The Supreme Court today rejected his claims that his lawyer was ineffective during his trial for the 1979 murder of his cell mate, Jack Nobles. McKenna claimed his attorney failed to push for a jury clemency instruction and investigation of a potential defense witness.
McKenna has had three penalty hearings and each time the panel returned the death penalty.
According to prosecutors' version of the events, McKenna returned to the Clark County Jail on Jan. 6, 1979 angry about his conviction that day for raping two women in a downtown motel room.
McKenna played chess with Nobles and drank "pruno" -- an illicit jailhouse brew -- which made him angrier, according to a prosecutor. After Nobles lost the game, the prosecutor said, he took a swing at McKenna, who "exploded and attacked him."
Nobles eventually was choked to death."
The reason 1979 stands out for me is that is when I graduated from high school at Oconomowoc H.S.. In that time from then until now. I graduated from college, worked for a year, did a tour in the Air Force, worked in North Dakota and Montana came home to Wisconsin, worked for a few years, went to college, graduated in 1997, worked in MPS, then at Westfield, WI. and then moved out to Las Vegas and have been here 4 years or so. And this thuggish creep is still alive, awaiting execution.
Get the appeals done and kill the guy. He is wasting space and contributing to global warming every time he breathes, farts or poops. As Larry the Cable guy says "Git R Done"!
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Your ass needs to join your heart in Wisconsin. Just what this state needs... another rightwing psycho who can't spell
ReplyDeleteWhat many don't know is that before Patrick kidnapped and raped the two women whom he was found guilty of attacking on that Jan day in 1979 before he went back to his cell and killed the young 20 year old man who was in on a first offense non violent burglary charge... Patrick had just gotten out of prison three months prior, released seven years early for a 20 year conviction for assaulting a woman. He had broken probation just one year before when released and pulled a botched murder for hire job landing him back in prison. Just one year later he was released... just three days before I moved to Las Vegas at age 18... just a few months before my life would be changed forever... it's been 32 years since that night of torture... and I still live with fear... as it was my testimony that put him in the cell... I thought I could help stop him from killing... but putting him behind bars didn't stop him... and he's only escaped a few times... he has even taken over the prison with guns once... and was found guilty of two more deaths behind bars... and he mentors inmates into his evil ways openly. When he was 17 years old he knifed a young man who survived the knifing and turned out to be the Senator of Nevada... the same senator that ordered a memorandum to study his abuses rather than execute him. He got at least two more years of life granted to him by Senator Bob Coffin... the same guy he tried to kill over 25 years earlier. I don't need vengeance... and I don't want his blood on my hands.
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DeleteMy brother was the 20 year old young man who Patrick McKenna killed that January night in 1979. He was trying to have sex with my brother and he killed him. I flew from San Diego to Las Vegas to be at my brothers hearing and he was going to be let out on probation. I flew back to San Diego knowing that everything was going to be ok because all they had to do was process the paperwork and it was just going to take a couple of days. Then because they jails were crowded they put Patrick McKenna in the same cell as my brother and 2 other young men. My brother and his friends were first time offenders and yes he did wrong but there was a construction company going to hire him when he was released and he was going to be getting on the right track. Instead Patrick McKenna being mad in the first place decided to choke my brother to death. I was 5 months pregnant at the time and this hit me like a brick wall. I was so distraught I had a miscarriage and could not even attend the trial. Patrick McKenna deserves the death penalty as was decided on by the jurors and court system. Myself and all of my siblings were raised in foster care and he never even had a chance for happiness in life. He endured so much pain and torture growing up he will never know the love of his nieces and nephews and how much his sisters and I miss him.
DeleteHe wasn't trying to have sex with your brother he was using your brother as a shield from getting stabbed
DeleteYou do not have the story correct. But that’s ok because every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
DeleteAnybody that rapes another person isn't fit to live in free society. Especially the pieces of filthy trash that rape people as "punishment" throw the key away...
ReplyDeleteWwmtngal , there are no words to express how I hurt for you. Soooo sorry
I thank you for your kind words. Patrick McKenna is a career criminal and a thug who should have never been put in my brothers cell. Even after all of these years I miss him.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best and I know the pain never ends. And now it has been 38 years and he still is breathing and enjoys life. It's shameful.
DeleteThank you so much for your kind words Dan. My life has moved on but knowing Patrick is still able to wake up everyday is hard to forget some days.
DeleteIs Patrick mckenna still alive?
ReplyDeleteIs Patrick mckenna still alive?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately Yes!
ReplyDeletei thought he was defending himself there was 4 people attacked him is that right it can not be first degree murder if so
ReplyDeleteThat’s not true. He was high risk when he was arrested and the Clark County jail was over crowded so they ended up putting him in the cell with my brother and his friend. He attacked my brother after a chess game. No one attacked him and if I believe what I was told he choked my brother to death after a struggle because he wanted sex and my brother was fighting him off. My brother was a young man who did something stupid but was being released from jail on Monday. He had to stay in for the weekend because they were processing his paperwork. Everything that comes out of Patrick McKenna’s mouth is a lie. He has been trying to make himself out as the innocent one. He’s a thug.
ReplyDeleteIAM horny