Saturday, December 28, 2013

See Ya Jamie

From the Houston Chronicle:  A San Antonio pastor has a message to atheists and people who don't celebrate Christmas: “Leave the country” or “Take your Walkman and stuff it into your ears.”
Pastor John Hagee told members of his flock Sunday at Cornerstone Church that “Christmas is under attack in America” because workers who run government offices now greet people with “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”
He said that any non-Christians and atheists who didn't believe in Jesus Christ should just leave the country, as the United States was built upon a Christian foundation.
“Planes are leaving every hour on the hour. Get on one,” Hagee said. “It's time for the majority to rule this nation.”
Cornerstone Church in San Antonio is a nondenominational church that counts more than 20,000 active members.
Now, I am not an atheist and I don't agree with their views.  But they are a type of religion and it's not like none of the signers of the U.S. Constitution were atheists.
And not all Christians agree with Hagee and I would start with the Pope.
And if all atheists were run out of the Country, this blog would not have a good friend, Jamie of  In fact, I think Jamie would make Hagee's head explode, which may not be a bad idea.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Hagee couldn't be more un-American here, could he? He needs a non-Texas American History textbook! I don't know if there's verifiable proof that any founding fathers were Atheists, but there were certainly Deists and non-traditional beliefs held by people like Thomas Jefferson, who made his own version of the bible, minus the supernatural parts.

    Thanks for your support, Dan!
