When Michael Steele was elected to head the Republican National Committee (RNC), I was very happy. I loved his views and his energy. Now, Steele apparently pissed off one too many Republicans as he lost his bid for re-election for the RNC head.
From Fox News: Reince Priebus was elected chairman of the Republican National Committee on Friday after Michael Steeledropped his bid to stay atop the party for another two years.
Priebus clinched the victory after seven rounds, securing 97 votes, more than the 85 required to win. Steele dropped out of the race after four rounds.
"At this time, I will step aside for others to lead," Steele told the168 RNC committee members at the Gaylord Resort in National Harbor, Md. "But in so doing, I hope y'all appreciate the legacy we leave. Despite the noise -- because lord know we had a lot of noise -- despite the difficulties, we won."
Steele got a standing ovation after his announcement following a tenure marked by controversy and embarrassment despite huge Republican gains in the fall. Steele urged supporters to vote for former RNC Deputy Chairwoman Maria Cino.
But Priebus beat out Cino along with former Michigan state GOP chairman Saul Anuzis and former RNC Co-Chairwoman Ann Wagner.
I'm glad that a Wisconsin man, Reince Priebus, won the election and he has strong credentials. Under his leadership, Wisconsin Republicans kicked butt in this past election. With great candidates, they took over the governor's office and took over the Assembly and Senate from the Democrats. the Dem's didn't know what hit them and they still don't know.
But I still like Michael Steele. you cannot discount the fact that under Steele's leadership, the GOP took over the House and made great inroads in taking over the Senate.
The biggest challenge to Priebus is to find a quality candidate for president. Right now, no one stands out as a person who could beat Obama, even though he will be extremely vulnerable. Romney? Not with his support of Obama Care lite in Massachusetts. Palin, maybe, but she is more interested in being a player, not the player. Huckabee? Plays a guitar better than he can run a campaign. Hopefully, we will never hear the words McCain and president in the same sentence. Same goes for Donald Trump and other wannabes who are looking for attention.
He needs to get a person like Chris Christie or business man Herman Cain. There's a few others out there who can inspire people and don't come with baggage.
So, congratulations to Reince Priebus, I hope you will do a good job. And a huge thank you to Michael Steele. You brought the GOP forward, not backwards and you kicked butt. The GOP owes you big time.
At the Prairie Café...
5 hours ago
Best representation of Michael Steele: http://images.wikia.com/muppet/images/7/76/MrJohnson.jpg