From Channel 13: Thousands of long-term unemployed Nevadans will lose their extended benefits in just a few days.
The state extended benefits program will end July 7 because Nevada's jobless rate has fallen below 12 percent.
The program provided up to 20 weeks of additional checks for people whose basic jobless benefits ran out.
About 5,500 recipients will be affected by the loss of extended
benefits but will still be able to get help with their work searches
through the Nevada JobConnect offices.
Twenty-five states have already rolled off the program after Congress passed a law to phase it out.
Back in February, Congress approved extended unemployment benefits
through the end of the year but it also made the help much more
difficult to hang onto.
States had to report unemployment rates of 12 percent or more.
Nevada's three-month average dropped to 11.8 in May.
It sucks that the people are suddenly being dropped off of unemployment without much of a warning, and that is wrong.
But, then the people receiving the unemployment compensation extensions have been receiving UC for a long time, well over a year, so it's not like they were not given a chance to find a job. And if they want someone to blame, President Obama and the Democrats, I am sure, more than willing to accept the blame since it is their policy.
Sunrise with new snow — 7:13, 7:23.
5 hours ago
It is untrue that those receiving extensions have been receiving benefits for a long time. My son began receiving benefits in January and is off as of this week due to the extension. Explain that to me... was there nothing but the extension available to begin with????
ReplyDeleteI believe that the first 26 weeks are Nevada's responsibility and the rest, the Fed's took over and are the extensions. I thought the Fed's extensions were in tiers and I also thought just the top tier was eliminated this week. If all the extensions were put together, then a person can be on for 99 weeks. But if they took all the extensions and tiers away, then it is 26 weeks.
ReplyDeleteI hope your son has luck finding a job quickly.
What people don't understand is that the House and Senate makes up Congress. Congress has chosen to pass this bill. Not President Obama and the Democrats. Congress can overturn what the President is for or against.
ReplyDeletePresidents can veto a bill and then the Congress can attempt to override the veto.
And who controlled Congress from 2009-10? Democrats and they still hold the Senate.
They say that in order for you to be eligible for Nevada Unemployment you must have made a certain amount in a certain "cycle" of time,well I need to find out what the federal ID number is for Nevada Unemployment if anyone knows? I am having difficulties obtaining this information and need it to file my taxes. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
ReplyDeletephlebotomy schools in NV