Most of the time, both the GOP and Democrats play politics to make themselves look good. Today, for an example, the GOP was playing politics when they voted to overturn ObamaCare. All it was a political game by the Republicans.'
However, there are somethings you don't play politics with and one is the Purple Heart. The Purple Heart is given to members of the U.S. military when they are killed or injured in action. It is one of the most sacred medals a service member or in case of death, a family can receive.
However, President Obama, once again, showing that he is classless and a total jackass when he is threatening to veto the 2013 Defense authorization Bill because it includes mandating that 2 groups of people receive the Purple Heart. The first two are soldiers who were killed in a terrorist attack in Arkansas and the others, when a terrorist/U.S. military doctor killed and injured close to 40 service members in the terrorist attack at Fort Hood.
From USA Today: This spring, the Obama administration threatened to veto the 2013 Defense Authorization Act. Of all the reasons given for the threat, the objection to granting the Purple Heart to Pvt. Andy Long stands out as strange. That is, unless you know the story.
This spring, the Obama administration threatened to veto the 2013 Defense Authorization Act. Of all the reasons given for the threat, the objection to granting the Purple Heart to Pvt. Andy Long stands out as strange. That is, unless you know the story....
But he did not get the education everyone expected. Instead, he became
interested in Islamic extremism. At TSU, preachers from a radical
Nashville mosque led courses in Islam. Eventually, Carlos began
frequenting this mosque, converted, and took the name of the mosque's
imam. This imam taught worshipers that America "is the worst country on
earth," that the Christian faith is "the greatest lie ever told," that
this worldly life "is trash," and that Muslims must seek death and the
That was the day Carlos decided to kill a soldier. He had already
firebombed a rabbi's house in Nashville and shot up another rabbi's
house in Little Rock. That morning, he fired three bullets at Andy.
Quinton Ezeagwula, another soldier, was also shot but survived. Carlos
eventually pleaded guilty to killing Andy, and was sentenced to life in prison without chance for parole.
The family went on to say: The president, we believe, doesn't want to admit the first successful al-Qaeda murder on U.S.
soil since 9/11 happened on his watch or to acknowledge the problem of
homegrown Islamic radicalization. This indirectly provides cover to
extremists at the expense of moderate Muslims. To withhold the Purple
Heart from U.S. soldiers for political reasons is to dishonor those who
risk everything to protect us all.
From Obama: Purple Hearts for Fort Hood and Little Rock Victims: The Administration objects to section 552, which would grant Purple Hearts to the victims of the shooting incidents in Fort Hood, Texas, and Little Rock, Arkansas. The criminal acts that occurred in Little Rock were tried by the State of Arkansas as violations of the State criminal code rather than as acts of terrorism; as a result, this provision could create appellate issues.
What a bunch of crap. This was a terror attack and a criminal attack and it doesn't matter if the State, military or Feds try the terrorists. And if the a court throws out the convictions, which I doubt they would, then another prosecution would take place in another court of law.
On 9/11, when a president with class, George Bush, he made sure that military members were awarded Purple Hearts to those who died or were injured at the Pentagon and the World Trade centers. Also, emergency first responders and civilians who died were also awarded medals to their families.
The House passed the Defense bill already but the Senate has not done anything yet.
Sadly, why would Obama play politics with Purple Hearts, except he doesn't want to admit that there have been terror attacks on U.S. soil on his watch.
Piss off, Obama.
At the End-of-Darkmonth Café...
9 hours ago
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