Sunday, July 8, 2012

So, What Has Happened To The Occupy Crazies?

It's been about a year since the Occupy fools have been active all over the country, and now, they have been basically silenced.  So, what has hapened to some of them?
Occupy Las Vegas and it's fools have been out of the news for months now and basically have gone away.  Their web site has a few entries, probably by 1 guy and nothing on their calendar:
In San Francisco, Occupy San Francisco have been reduced to picking weeds out of their garden and opposing a senior living home:
Occupy Omaha NE has virtually disappeared.
Occupy Chicago is down to 60 people still running around and protesting:
Occupy Boston has no idea what's going on: The agenda for this GA is to attempt to make decisions about what decision-process we will use going forward: will we keep the GA or adopt another format? How often will we meet and where? Do we need to create a series of meetings to address these issues? If so, which and why?
Occupy Wall Steet/New York City had scheduled protests today but the turnout was so pathetic, apparently that it didn't make any of the NYC newspapers.
However, Occupy Oakland loonies/thugs (and my apologies to the loonies out there) are still being their violent and thug selves: More than 60 Occupy Oakland protesters marched through downtown Wednesday night, spray-painting anti-police slogans on police headquarters and other buildings, vandalizing a police car and setting at least one garbage bin on fire, authorities said.
No one was arrested in the vandalism or fire-setting, but a protester was arrested on suspicion of not having a sound permit for a speaker system and obstructing an officer, police said.
The march began about 8 p.m. near 14th Street and Broadway, continued down Broadway to police headquarters at Seventh Street and Broadway and then moved to other streets before coming back to Frank Ogawa Plaza. The one arrest occurred at the plaza.
Sgt. Roland Holmgren said protesters painted "kill cops" on a door at police headquarters and similar messages at City Hall, the police Internal Affairs Division near City Hall, a clothing store, hotel and a bank.
Protesters also spray-painted a patrol car parked near Seventh and Washington streets, punctured one of its tires and broke a window, Holmgren said. The garbage bin was set ablaze near 11th and Clay streets.
But the Oakland thugs have gone from several thousand to about 60 thugs, which is a good thing.
So, the Occupy movement is a thing of history, for the most part, and that is a good thing.  I think the 99.9% of the country got tired of these thugs and losers, including their big supporters, the Democratic Party, including President Obama and Nancy Pelosi.
So, good bye, Occupy thugs, glad you are gone.

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