There was a bad incident down in Florida in which a a teenage kid was killed by a neighborhood watch person. There has been a lot of talk by the usual race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have weighed in with their usual shrill voices saying the world is going to end.
Even President Obama has weighed in, saying the victim would look his child.
That's all and good.
So,when will Obama, Sharpton, Jackson start talking about black on black crime, including murders?
In Las Vegas, a student at the school I teach at, was murdered. Betty Pinkey was shot and killed at a party in the northeast side of Las Vegas about 2 months ago and the police still have not found her killer, mainly because of the code of silence in Las Vegas.
So, when will Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, and the black leaders of Las Vegas speak up about Betty's murder? When will these clowns talk about black on black crime in inner city neighborhoods? These clowns don't care about black on black on crime, much less care about the unemployment rates with minorities. They are just race baiters who run to the closest TV camera to spew their venom.
If President Obama actually cared about the living conditions of the inner city, he would visit an inner city. But Obama flees in the opposite direction. Obama has been to Las Vegas at least 7 times and not once has he visited the poor areas of Las Vegas.
So, when Obama is done playing the race card in the Trayvon Martin case, then maybe he can get involved in the other crimes in the inner cities of America, including black on black crime.
Sunrise — 7:07, 7:20, 7:22.
7 hours ago
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