Harry Reid lied. Stephen Horsford lied. The BLM has lied in the past.
And we are supposed to believe this?
From the LVRJ:
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is warning its workers in Utah to be on alert after two men threatened an agency wrangler on Interstate 15 by pulling out a weapon and holding up a sign that read, “You need to die.”
The incident occurred Tuesday morning on the state’s major highway about 90 miles south of Salt Lake City, said BLM spokeswoman Megan Crandall.
A BLM employee was driving his agency vehicle and pulling a trailer when two hooded men came up alongside him in a dark blue Dodge truck and flipped him off, Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Corey Houskeeper said.
The truck slowed before the men came up beside the BLM officer again and pulled out the sign and flashed a firearm, he said. No one was hurt and the men sped away.
An investigation is underway, but there are no suspects. The BLM officer wasn’t able to get the license plate number because it was covered by what appeared to be duct tape, Crandall said.
Highway troopers searched the area for the truck, and the agency has put out an alert statewide for the truck, but Houskeeper said it will be difficult to find the men since there could be thousands of trucks that fit the description. http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/nation-and-world/blm-worker-threatened-i-15-south-salt-lake-city
So, there is no evidence anything happened... and we are supposed to believe that out in the middle of nowhere, people with a duct taped license plate and in hoods and the state patrol could not find the truck, along with other police agencies and this scenario is supposed to be believable?
Not to me.
Sunrise — 6:29.
3 hours ago
Sort of like that census worker that offed himself in Kentucky back in 2009 or 2010...which the left tried pinning on the Tea Party.