Poor, poor, poor senile Harry Reid. Apparently he has forgotten that there is this thing called the Internet and when you put out a lie, people will catch it.
Crybaby Harry Reid has been caught in another lie in which he claims that 8 million people lost their jobs during the Bush administration. Or was it the 8 millionth lie Reid has been caught in?
From the Congressional Record: My friend talks about no new taxes. Mr. President, if their theory was right, with these huge taxes that took place during the Bush 8 years, the economy should be thriving. These tax cuts have not helped the economy. The loss of 8 million jobs during the Bush 8 years, two wars started, unfunded, all on borrowed money, these tax cuts all
on borrowed money; if the tax cuts were so good, the economy should be thriving.
The actual truth is this: During Bush’s eight years in office — January 2001 to January 2009 — the nation actually gained a net 1.09 million jobs. (Because there were gains in government jobs, the private sector actually lost 653,000 jobs during that period.)
This isn’t remotely close to what Reid claimed. Reid’s office didn’t respond to our request for information, but we think we know what he was referring to.
From the economy’s peak to its low point, the nation lost 8.75 million jobs. Here’s the problem: The peak for jobs came in January 2008, while the low point for jobs came in February 2010.
This means the starting point for Reid’s measure came seven years into Bush’s eight-year tenure, and the low point occurred about a year into Barack Obama’s tenure.
In other words, Reid had a point in saying that there was a “loss of eight million jobs” — but it didn’t come “during the Bush eight years.” The loss of eight million jobs occurred during a roughly two-year period shared more or less equally between Bush and Obama.
I wonder when when Harry's support whore, The Las Vegas Sun and editor, Brian "The Coward" Greenspun or Jon Ralston will get around to reporting this blatant lie by Reid, or will they just excuse this lie as another "Harryism"?
Nevada voters really screwed up when Sharron Angle was not elected over Crybaby Reid. Yes, she was a horrible candidate and ran an even worse campaign and while she may have some embarrassing things, at least she would have been harmless. Reid is not harmless and he is a complete embarrassment to the State of Nevada, far more than Sharron Angle could ever have been.
2 hours ago
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