From the LVRJ: Move over Wall Street. It's time to Occupy Las Vegas.
A diverse group of more than 1,000 people marched on the Strip to the chant of "Banks got bailed out, we got sold out" Thursday, as the weeks-old Occupy Wall Street protest went nationwide.
Calling themselves the 99 percenters ---- those who aren't part of the richest 1 percent of Americans ---- the protesters marched in a loop between Tropicana Avenue and Flamingo Road from 4 to just after 7 p.m. Word of the event spread largely through social media, with many participants hearing about the protest on Facebook....
Protesters carried signs that included slogans such as "They only call it class warfare when we fight back," "Wall Street is responsible for the identity theft of America," "Tax the rich or we'll have to eat them" and "Where the Heller are the jobs?"
And while the national protest has taken on organization and a sense of purpose that was lacking at its inception, Thursday night's message was unified: Take back a Congress protesters think has been bought and paid for by millionaires and billionaires.
But if there was one common thread that made this protest about Las Vegas, it was the foreclosure crisis.
"We're in a city where more people have lost their home than anywhere else," protester Sannette Gutierrez said. "Tourists come here and think Vegas is fantasy land; they don't think of us as a working-class city, but we are. They just think we're here to clean up their vomit after they leave."
One of the unions backing this rally with signs and protesters was the Barney union, the SEIU thugs. They lied and cheated to get Crybaby Harry Reid elected last November but Crybaby Reid has been the point man regarding all of the bailouts, foreclosures, taxes and the ripping off of taxpayers by green energy companies.
So, why aren't the protester's crying for Harry Reid's weaselly balding scalp?
And why didn't the author of the LVRJ article, Doug McMurdo ask these questions. But it would not be surprising based on the tone of his article, that he wasn't marching right along the protesters, chanting their slogans. Even the Las Vegas's Sun, the liberal newspaper of Las Vegas, had a more conservative/accurate report of the story than McMurdo and the LVRJ.
So, once again, the hypocrisy of liberals in Las Vegas and Nevada have been exposed and shows how pathetic the liberals and union are in the Las Vegas Valley.
Corrupt, Top to Bottom
38 minutes ago
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