Friday, January 10, 2014

ObamaCare Csre Disaster/Fraud Keeps Chugging Along

It's a shame that the mainstream media, for the most part have totally ignored the ObamaCare Train wreck, except for a few weeks at the end of October and a little in November, but complain about a traffic jam that 99.9% of the country doesn't give a crap about.
From the Denver Post: Record-keeping snags could complicate the start of insurance coverage this month as people begin using policies they purchased under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.
Insurance companies are trying to sort out cases of so-called health insurance orphans, customers for whom the government has a record that they enrolled but the insurer does not.
Government officials say the problem is real but under control, with orphan records being among the roughly 13,000 problem cases they are trying to resolve with insurers. But insurance companies are worried the process will grow more cumbersome as they deal with the flood of customers who signed up in December as enrollment deadlines neared.
More than 1 million people have signed up through the federal insurance market that serves 36 states. Officials contend the error rate for new signups is close to zero.
Insurers, however, are less enthusiastic about the pace of the fixes. The companies also are seeing cases in which the government has assigned the same identification number to more than one person, as well as so-called "ghost" files in which the insurer has an enrollment record but the government does not.
But orphaned files — when the insurer has no record of enrollment — are a particular concern because the companies have no automated way to identify the presumed policyholder.
They say they have to manually compare the lists of enrollees the government sends them with their own records because the government never built an automated system that would do the work much faster.
Read more: Record-keeping snags could complicate the start of insurance coverage - The Denver Post
So, there are a bunch of people who thought they signed up for healthcare insurance and there is no record of them doing so.
More ObamaCare disaster and it is such a train wreck.

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