Monday, January 13, 2014

ObamaCare? We Don't Need No Stinking ObamaCare!

Amish: Pennsylvania Amish family in horse-drawn buggy
Pennsylvania Amish family in horse-drawn buggy.
Credit: Sylvain Grandadam—Stone/Getty Images
Sorry about the bad take off of the Blazing Saddles thug scene, but it seems like the Amish are thriving just fine without ObamaCare.
From the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune:  Originally started to help fund education, a quarterly breakfast at the Milladore Town Hall has become a source to help pay medical bills for local Amish residents.
“Each year, there’s about $600 profit,” said Joe Mast, who is Amish and has organized the Amish Benefit Breakfasts since they started about three years ago.
Members of the Amish community only seek professional medical care when they aren’t comfortable treating an injury or illness themselves, Mast said.
“We started the breakfasts to help with school costs, but the costs of hospital stays have increased,” Mast said.
The breakfasts typically attract a sizable crowd, but Saturday’s event got off to a slow start. As the morning progressed, the hall began to fill easing Mast’s concern that the numbers wouldn’t match the usual crowd of more than 100 people.
“I think it’s the weather. There’s ice on some of the roads,” Mast said, adding that Amish buggies drawn by horses often can travel when conditions are difficult for cars.
“There’s no problem with a horse and buggy. They are four-wheel drive,” he said with a grin.
Seems like the Amish are doing just fine without ObamaCare and the government help they do not need.
They pay cash for their medical treatment and if they have a large hospital bill, they get help from the community, Amish and us English.

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